San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I’m relatively certain that anyone who makes that argument is doing so in bad faith. Vampires have been around long before Twilight existed, and they will continue to do so long after it has faded from the collective social consciousness. Underworld, The Elder Scrolls, the Witcher… all of these are incredibly popular fantasy properties that have effectively used vampire mythology. And they bear virtually no resemblance to the Stephanie Meyer version that was specifically written to cram a square vampire peg into a round young adult romance hole.

Twilight has about as much to do with vampires as… well, this does.


Hey guys, did you know the desperation of our group is annoying? You know despite being largely contained to this thread.


It’s an insult to people, typically. I personally despise the series and how people use it against me, but you’re right, it’s also an insult to people that enjoy the series, who shouldn’t be any less valid. There’s several places in the books where even I think the lore is interesting, such as Alice and her powers.

But because vampires “sparkle” in Twilight, that’s all people apply and focus on, ignoring any other work because of that. The love triangle thing is also another thing they make fun of, and the shallow characters (I despise love triangles -.-)

Then, there’s the whole idea that ‘oh no, romance makes a book less valid’ because certain people have no hopes of actually finding anyone in this world I guess. Anyone that believes romance done well makes a book less valid has no respect from me and can shove it. The useless troll arguing with me on a constant basis has that ridiculous attitude, and unfortunately I can’t use proper words here to describe what I want to say in response to that nonsense.

People at this point will say anything to be rude and hateful no matter how polite me or the rest of the community is. The only thing that matters is what Blizzard thinks, and they luckily don’t listen to the common forum poster’s bullying or drama. It’s something I need to remind myself as well.

And I know for a fact people will flood this place with “HAHA YOU STUPID EMO KIDS WONT EVER GET SPARKLY ELVES” if Venthyr become an Allied Race, because that’s how people are nowadays.

Despite the work I’ve put into this, and despite how I’ve been respectful.

Edit: I see now, it was via people that resurrected the anti-thread that was dead for almost a year.

And…we’re desperate? I wouldn’t take someone that spiteful seriously at all. Some people have nothing better to do than spout nonsense like that.

We just need to remember most people do see the work we put in and how we’re as respectful as possible. Those that scream about ‘stupid vampire elf lovers’ well, who cares. They want to feel better about themselves, let them. They’re actually quite sad, but no skin off of our back.


gnomest comes up with so many cool ideas for short races, i imagine the devs are like…sheesh this guy/gal is making us look bad.


fallynn i am so sorry they are dodging and dragging their feet on your request for san’layn. perhaps venthyr are a good sign. i hope so.

p.s. kael’thas is a cutie in shadowlands


Gnomest is literally the best gnome. <3 I hope she gets many of the things she wants.

Yeah, it’s really dumb and petty for them to make a thread inspired by nothing but negativity. I don’t go to their thread and so LOL no venthyr, I just state my opinion on the race and why I think that the Covenant races won’t be AR.

I’m usually polite about it, but that one person goes out of their way to target people who support San’layn and be rude. Said person is the reason for my stint in baby jail. Apparently, they couldn’t take a taste of their own medicine and are rather arrogant.

We’re not harming anyone by exercising our opinion on the matter of Venthyr and our support for San’layn. It’s just that certain people can’t tolerate differing opinions and act like them existing is a threat to their own opinion. Their desperation in making it boundlessly clear to us that they hope we never get San’layn because they don’t want them is annoying. It’s like a little kid not wanting his brother to get the toy he wants because he’ll no longer feel special or because he doesn’t want his brother to be happy.

I like the people on the forum that can disagree with us and still be mature about it. I deeply appreciate those people.


gnomest comes up with so many cool ideas for short races, i imagine the devs are like…sheesh this guy/gal is making us look bad.

Making these concepts and art is fun. It is satisfying seeing it come to life. Short races tend to me by favorite, but I do plan on doing some neat concepts for taller races as well.

I like the people on the forum that can disagree with us and still be mature about it. I deeply appreciate those people.

That’s the idea! People can disagree, but just be mature about it. It is easy to tell when someone is doing something that extends beyond just negative feelings. However when someone does, I think the best way to handle it is by acknowledging the idea and being mature and friendly about it. Aggression tends to breed aggression.

Gnomest is literally the best gnome. <3 I hope she gets many of the things she wants.

Thank you! That means a lot :slight_smile:


Not to mention, one they bump with alts :wink:

Yeah it’s kind of creepy honestly, legit was bothered in PM on discord via a certain someone. This obsession is getting out of hand.

Exactly this, I’ve said numerous times that we simply want to be left alone and share out ideas, and we’re not harming anyone by expressing our ideas and wants. Some individuals like to say our writing sucks and is ‘fanfiction’, some say we’re ‘desperate emo/goths’ (I’m goth, and I ain’t desperate, I can promise you that.) and yada yada. There’s no reason to be rude, I have the utmost respect for people that can be nice about not wanting San’layn and expressing that in a kind manner.

On numerous occasions has that happened in this thread, and people are more than welcome to share their opinions. I’m not going to agree, but I’ll thank them for being polite regardless of if we don’t see eye to eye. That’s what being adults is about.

In interesting news, there was a link on WoWhead that showed something that might not matter, and no one pointed out, but might not be a glitch.

If you notice the ears are extremely long. Which again, might be a glitch. But if it isn’t, Blizzard might be considering ear variations, which is very good in our case, because time and again have we suggested bat-like ears.


I think our next logical step is to start pushing for San’layn to appear in Shadowlands.

Not only does it make narrative sense, it sets them up in the future.


Well, I just got insulted because I stated that I think Venthyr are ugly.

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I mean I am not gonna lie. Part of the reason I don’t like Venthyr is for there faces… they sort of remind me of the nightborne faces : / I mean I love Nightborne but I wish they had better faces is all I’m saying.

It’s sort of hard to ruin the blood elf face. Darkfallen elves is the vampires we want. And I also wouldn’t mind having Venthyr too if they fix them up. But Blizzard tends to pick one race for a theme instead of doubling down sadly. I hope there is a world where we can have both Venthyr and San’layn. That would be the best case scenario.


It would be. I just wished people didn’t have to be mean.


I mean… they are though? And so what if you think that way? I guess you’re not allowed to have any sort of opinion :roll_eyes: I honestly wouldn’t worry about it too much. When it comes to the reality of things, the most played races are elves, and the ‘uglier ones’ aren’t played nearly as much. Does that mean they shouldn’t be added? Of course not. It means that maybe it’s rather silly to put someone down for how they think a race looks and what they want to play. You’re stating how that race looks to you, not insulting those that want to play it. Too bad they can’t manage to handle that and perhaps differing opinions insult their ego, or something.

I very much like the gargoyles waaay over the Venthyr. The gargoyles actually look really cool, a monstrous cool not an ugly cool.

That being said, and I will stick to my guns with this, Venthyr could look eons better than elves and I’d still be stuck to this. Venthyr could look like the most beautiful things in the world, and I’d shake my head and stand my ground, because it’s the lore I’m most concerned about in this case. Yes, I also like how San’layn look, and probably wouldn’t be invested if they looked horrid. Sue me, I have preferences, like 99% of the planet.

But here and now, this is what we’ve got, and this is how I’ve built my stories.


Exactly, I would never insult anyone over what they want to play. I also never said that they shouldn’t be added, I just said what I prefer.


Yeah, indeed. Have to admit, it’s obnoxious how people are stuck on “Oh my gods ALLIED RACE CONFIRMED ALL OF THESE COVENANTS ARE DEFINITELY GOING TO BE ADDED IN!”

Even though I love San’layn and it seemed like they were actually going to be added with the campaign and “they need a home in the Horde”, I never was screaming “CONFIRMED CONFIRMED CONFIRMED!” Especially without actual modifiable models and all that.

I suppose I should expect that of GD, but I’m not looking forward to having that shoved in my face for the next several months. Especially not the ‘haha no San’layn stop begging, we’re getting Venthyr which are better for no reason other than they’re not elves and they’re ugly races like the Horde should be’. :roll_eyes:


Me neither. This is going to be an insufferable couple of years on the forums unless Blizzard confirms that they won’t be allied races. I’m of the mind that the model IDs are also placeholder just like the race IDs. Why would Blizzard preemptively plot the Covenants as Allied Races before even knowing whether they’ll be a demand or not?

Plus if you think about it, the four allied race slots could be for the remaining races that don’t have an analogous AR. Worgen, Forsaken, Alliance Pandaren, and Horde Pandaren are those races.

But stating this is, apparently, a crime that warrants rude behavior and name calling.


Ehhh demand isn’t everything… looks at Mechagnomes… then looks at High Elves

So we’re at a disadvantage both ways now :stuck_out_tongue: We had lore on our side, but with no sign of San’layn anywhere at the moment…

Then again, no one knows what’s going on with the prepatch. The intelligent undead being held back by Bolvar might just be unleashed too. Wonder if we’ll see some of them pop up.

It’d be cool if we got a Night-Warrior-like questline THEN and that’s a big surprise for the prepatch. Of course, if they do something like that, it’ll need to be available even after the prepatch too… buuuut if we also got a super cool vampire themed mount that was exclusive with it, I wouldn’t complaint :smirk:

A woman can dream.


Still hoping they will join the alliance.

Hard pass on Alliance San’layn :nauseated_face:


I’m talking about the venthyr not undead elf at ice crown.