San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Thank you!

Note: I’m out of likes for today. :frowning: I’ve seen so many posts I want to like but can’t.


The revenge would not have to be direct. I think San’layn would be good saboteurs for example. Poisoning or leeching of sources of power for example would be a good way for Kael to get revenge.

My bets are Arthas coming back somehow and somehow tying in with Illidan in a later patch… Since it seems alot of characters from TBC are returning into the fold.

I wonder if the remaining San’layn can resurrect powerful San’layn like Lana’thel. Maybe while they are at it they could also raise Kael’thas as a San’layn so he isn’t stuck in the Shadowlands.

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I know the devs said Kael’thas would be dealing with “an enemy from his past,” but my money’s actually on Garithos over Arthas. Arthas is way too big a character to have him involved in side-plots related to Kael’thas, the San’layn, and the Venthyr. We’re talking about a guy that headlined an entire expansion, and Kael’thas is probably one of the characters Arthas antagonized the least. (which is not to say Kael’thas wasn’t antagonized, just that, given Arthas’s massive resume, Kael’thas and the blood elves are little more than footnotes in it).

In Shadowlands? No way. This isn’t World of Warcraft: Endgame. Both Illidan and Arthas are complete scene-stealers. Throwing them into later patches would just contribute to massive unfocused bloat.

Don’t worry, Bale. I will try… very hard… to sustain myself without your forum affection :frowning:

There are San’layn like Vrykul!? Where they at I wanna see!


Good,I wouldn’t want my pupper friend to feel lonely and starved for attention.


oooo… I’mma gonna go poke him!

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Watch out he bites.



Oh you. <3

It’s a pretty cool questline I wasn’t expecting to see at all. Not much information, but just a tiny bit to pique interest no doubt. Professor (proper title?) Mrrgleton thinks that the vampyr curse for the humans/Vry’kul and the Thalassian Elves are one and the same.

(Wonder if void elves can be afflicted? Night Elves? Far back as trolls? Then we see other previous-titan/rock creations via humans, so gnomes/dwarves too?)


Then Gnomest’s Gnomeferatu could become a reality!


Gnomest didn’t actually create Gnomeferatu; it’s official Hearthstone stuff!

The reason why that’s interesting is because Hearthstone has seen plenty of its lore crossover into official Warcraft canon. Just off the top of my head I can think of the League of Explorers, the tortollans, the female worgen redesign, female satyr, and Morgl the Oracle.

So, yeah! You never know!

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I thought Gnomeferatu looked familiar. But she did do the model! I’d be open to Vampire gnomes. It’d be like bunnicula… fierce and cuuuute.


Wonder if blood magic practiced by the trolls (not the G’huun type before that) came from revendreth. Hakkar I know taught some of them blood magic way back when, but it’s awfully prevalent in almost all troll societies.


Still think that (and again this would be just… a LOT of work on Blizzard’s part so it’s a major longshot) it’d be cool if each covenant had special customization for each race too, wherein if you go through some epic questline you unlock it for your account, and it’d be present on all races.

Not sure what they’d do for the other covenants, but…

In the case of vampires, it’d be vampire customization (red eyes, fangs, perhaps some ashen and/or pale/veiny skin) for all races (AGAIN a lot of work so a long shot.)

In which this questline, for the Venthyr, would explore the origin of the vampyr curse, the San’layn, the Vry’kul vampires, and other mechanisms of the curse.


Personally i dont want the Venthyr given they aren’t a Mortal race but a Dead Race (might have worded that wrong but hope you get what i mean) BUT in that light, i hope we can use the Venthyr to obtain San’layn and justify more customisation options and through obtaining the origin they obtain greater control.

Potentially Vampires could be there own class if it wasn’t for the fact Blood Mage NPCs and Blood Death Knights exist since like the Worgen curse its well a curse on the blood and it changes the heavily, Sin’dorei, Humans, Vrykul and even some undead, wont be surprised if other races can be infected as well.
This means by right you could have a Blood focused class with the name Vampyr or something that uses other races as a host, and technically speaking its a Race/Class combo release since all those infected namely blood and high elves become San’layn :stuck_out_tongue: similar to how Demon Hunters are actually Demon/Felblood Elves then Night and Blood Elves, got the idea replaying some ESO to help a friend unlock Vampires skill line.

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It’s interesting how different Denathrius looks compared to the regular Venthyr. He looks a lot more like a Dreadlord and built using a male draenei animation rig.

I was kinda thinking what’d be neat for San’layn would be a demon hunter class option, but instead of a regular demon hunter they’re something different…Soulflayer? Instead of changing into a demon they use the neat gargoyle models. Sort of how a sunwalker is a paladin…then again it’d probably be a lot neater with different spell visuals and that’s not something they’re doing yet.

At first I was kinda thinking what if Denathrius is more of an example of what the Venthyr are supposed to be…maybe the models we’re seeing are more like a wretched blood elf or the nightfallen nightborne, but reading their background again and seeing how Denathrius unguligrade legs, it has me thinking that’s probably unlikely. Wonder why he’s so different.


The venthyr stuff looks sooooo cooool!!! cant wait for the gothic horror ontop of our awesome darkfallen allied races.