San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

09/22/2018 07:44 PMPosted by Fallynn
How has Sylvanas evolved to be able to raise them? I recall there being issues before with her and the ability to raise night elves, but that seems to be a hurdle she passed. Do we know how she's doing it? Those are our speculations.

I believe it's been slowly demonstrated over time that Sylvanas' power over necromancy has been growing. During the Siege of Orgrimmar she raises the subject of raising the fallen Blood Elves to Lor'themar, which means by that time she had expanded her abilities beyond just being able to raise humans. During the Battle for Lordaeron we saw her able to raise many different races, though as skeletons and the nature of their undeath is left to be questioned.

Moving from Blood Elves to Night Elves does not seem like it would be a terrible stretch.

09/22/2018 07:44 PMPosted by Fallynn
There is a question on my mind. If they do add San'layn as an Allied Race... COULD it be a mixture of vampiric night AND blood elves? Would Blizzard do that for the race? It has never been done before... so hm...

Personally I'd be in favor of seeing more options such as Orcs now have. The Upright and Hunched models are based on the same skeleton but are still quite different. I think it'd be interesting to see San'layn added that can be based off of Night Elves or Blood Elves. Maybe use the Blood Elf skeleton as a base but add options for the more Night Elf looking features.
09/22/2018 07:50 PMPosted by Alurna

Personally I'd be in favor of seeing more options such as Orcs now have. The Upright and Hunched models are based on the same skeleton but are still quite different. I think it'd be interesting to see San'layn added that can be based off of Night Elves or Blood Elves. Maybe use the Blood Elf skeleton as a base but add options for the more Night Elf looking features.

You make a lot of very good points. There's one issue I do think about though, that I hope wouldn't get in the way of your vision. The customization for both--them being different skeletons could indeed be an issue; each one would need a modification to it when selecting the various options. I don't think that comes into play with straight back vs. hunched orcs--but it very well could. If they make the ear structures the same (bat-like, as many of us are wanting), it could work in favor of both skeletons. But would they have different animations as well? Would that provide issues as well you think? I do like the idea--I like it a lot. I think it'd be extremely interesting. I'm just thinking of the issues that might come about it and how to overcome them.
Ugh, yet another cesspool for you monsters to inhabit. I suppose it's for the best; Since you're so vocal about the locations in which you make your vile roosts, it makes it far easier for me to know when and where to hunt you all down.

You've tormented this world enough. No more!
09/22/2018 08:03 PMPosted by Fallynn
09/22/2018 07:50 PMPosted by Alurna

Personally I'd be in favor of seeing more options such as Orcs now have. The Upright and Hunched models are based on the same skeleton but are still quite different. I think it'd be interesting to see San'layn added that can be based off of Night Elves or Blood Elves. Maybe use the Blood Elf skeleton as a base but add options for the more Night Elf looking features.

You make a lot of very good points. There's one issue I do think about though, that I hope wouldn't get in the way of your vision. The customization for both--them being different skeletons could indeed be an issue; each one would need a modification to it when selecting the various options. I don't think that comes into play with straight back vs. hunched orcs--but it very well could. If they make the ear structures the same (bat-like, as many of us are wanting), it could work in favor of both skeletons. But would they have different animations as well? Would that provide issues as well you think? I do like the idea--I like it a lot. I think it'd be extremely interesting. I'm just thinking of the issues that might come about it and how to overcome them.

Well it'd ultimately be up to Blizzard but the Blood Elf skeleton was based off of the Night Elf model, so it might not be as difficult as we think. It's more obvious when you look at the alpha Blood Elf models, which you see with the SMC Guardian NPCs.
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09/22/2018 08:05 PMPosted by Talwenne
Ugh, yet another cesspool for you monsters to inhabit. I suppose it's for the best; Since you're so vocal about the locations in which you make your vile roosts, it makes it far easier for me to know when and where to hunt you all down.

You've tormented this world enough. No more!

You monster hunters will get another to hunt if we have our way, and you'll be able to brag about it too! IF you're able to take us down...But while we're around, we'll easily stop you. FOR THE HORDE!

09/22/2018 08:06 PMPosted by Alurna

Well it'd ultimately be up to Blizzard but the Blood Elf skeleton was based off of the Night Elf model, so it might not be as difficult as we think. It's more obvious when you look at the alpha Blood Elf models, which you see with the SMC Guardian NPCs.

Yeah an updated version of that would be really neat, and you're right, that's very true. Hm... would we differentiate between the two based on skin color, in that case? If one is a Night Elf based San'layn, and another is a Blood Elf based San'layn, I mean. How would we explain the structures looking almost identical, if they do in fact make them very similar? Though, going with what you said, you're right--it might not be that difficult, and they might not have to...
09/22/2018 08:05 PMPosted by Talwenne
Ugh, yet another cesspool for you monsters to inhabit. I suppose it's for the best; Since you're so vocal about the locations in which you make your vile roosts, it makes it far easier for me to know when and where to hunt you all down.

You've tormented this world enough. No more!

Torment? but we're so fabulous! Who wouldn't want to have us around?
Why, the lack of a san'layn presence is what i would call torment.
I can't see anything out of this bloody mask.. who thought it would be a good idea to turn a raptor's head into a helmet? Do you have any idea how heavy this thing is?

Someone tell me. Are we winning the good fight, my brothers?
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If they did get added to the game they better be Horde. Alliance got werewolves so Horde should get vampires. That being said, I do not want any more elves. WoW has too many elves as it is.
09/22/2018 08:19 PMPosted by Ðoomaxe
If they did get added to the game they better be Horde. Alliance got werewolves so Horde should get vampires. That being said, I do not want any more elves. WoW has too many elves as it is.

That's entirely fair. Thank you for voicing your opinion without being mean about it, we really appreciate it. And hey, I hope you get what you want too, if it's an Allied Race that also makes sense, or more customization in general. We're in this together when it comes to voicing what we do want to see added in terms of things like races or additions.

09/22/2018 08:13 PMPosted by Rorrand
I can't see anything out of this bloody mask.. who thought it would be a good idea to turn a raptor's head into a helmet? Do you have any idea how heavy this thing is?

Someone tell me. Are we winning the good fight, my brothers?

Ok but the thing is.... you DO look fabulous, Rorr, I have to say it. Even though you're a worgen and we're supposed to be enemies. Yes, how DO you keep your head up, though? As for winning.. uh... I lost the scoreboard, darn it.
Posted by Fallynn

09/22/2018 08:05 PMPosted by Talwenne
Ugh, yet another cesspool for you monsters to inhabit. I suppose it's for the best; Since you're so vocal about the locations in which you make your vile roosts, it makes it far easier for me to know when and where to hunt you all down.

You've tormented this world enough. No more!

You monster hunters will get another to hunt if we have our way, and you'll be able to brag about it too! IF you're able to take us down...But while we're around, we'll easily stop you. FOR THE HORDE!

Is that overconfidence I smell on your breath? How strange. Blood Prince Dreven seemed to have a bad case of this. I wonder, where is he now...?

These days, I'm an Inquisitor of the famous Order of Embers. Have you heard of them? They're the premier specialists of hunting down abominations like you. I won't give away everything I've learned but... suffice to say, fire is involved in alot of their methods....
1 Like
You know the drill!

My most wanted AR.
Only race I'd pay real money to racechange for.
Vampire Kael'thas for race leader.
There are 6 types of cosmic magical energy, there should be six kinds of elves to be addicted to all of it.

Nature - Night Elves
Fel - Blood Elves
Void - Void Elves
Arcane - Nightborne
Light - High Elves
Necromantic - Darkfallen

And so on.
09/22/2018 06:53 PMPosted by Falrogan
Stop this literal spam
It's LITERALLY not spam. All posts on the subject are contained to one thread at a time. By clicking the thread, you're the one subjecting yourself to topic.
09/22/2018 06:53 PMPosted by Falrogan
the same six or seven people have made over 4,500 posts off of this
Weird then that some of the previous threads have had their OP liked 50+ times...
09/22/2018 08:19 PMPosted by Ðoomaxe
If they did get added to the game they better be Horde. Alliance got werewolves so Horde should get vampires. That being said, I do not want any more elves. WoW has too many elves as it is.
They will be an undead AR.
Keep up the positivity!

I haven't delved much into the 8.1 spoilers yet but this dark ranger stuff sounds interesting.
I really do like the idea of the San'layn being comprised of both Blood Elf and Night Elf origin, granting two different models. I also like the idea of giving them two different options akin to Orc posturing.

I had a similar idea for High Elves, as we commonly discuss different groups of High Elves reunifying, and I personally would like to see Highborne included in this as I feel they've been completely overshadowed by the Nightborne at this point and it would make the AR more than 'just' High Elves, but I digress.

It would be interesting to see different groups of Elven undead come together under the San'layns banner, adding a bit of diversity to their ranks. I'm sure in the event that the San'layn were left leaderless, Sylvanas would likely scoop them up with glee.
09/23/2018 08:00 AMPosted by Selesnya
I had a similar idea for High Elves, as we commonly discuss different groups of High Elves reunifying, and I personally would like to see Highborne included in this as I feel they've been completely overshadowed by the Nightborne at this point and it would make the AR more than 'just' High Elves, but I digress.

While possibly, the name, 'High Elf,' is pretty specific to the Thalassian Elves who remained loyal to the Alliance.

By contrast the San'layn seem more like a broader term that could encompass any undead elves who have an affinity for Blood Magic.

If the High Elves were to ever get something similar, however, I imagine it'd be Half-Elves, since Arator seems to be somewhat set up to play a role down the line. I suppose Half-Elves could always become a human addition though.
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While I'd support this.

Weren't the Sanlayne killed off by the Wildhammer Dwarf dude?
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09/23/2018 08:10 AMPosted by Pronyra
While I'd support this.

Weren't the Sanlayne killed off by the Wildhammer Dwarf dude?

There is no actual confirmation that ALL of them were slain quite honestly. While we did slay Dreven and the disciples present on the ship, there is nothing saying there isn’t more out there. There could be more of his disciples.

There’s also the fact that two blood princes from wrath are still nowhere to be seen, and thus likely alive (Theraldis+Atheran or however they’re spelled).
09/23/2018 08:09 AMPosted by Alurna
09/23/2018 08:00 AMPosted by Selesnya
I had a similar idea for High Elves, as we commonly discuss different groups of High Elves reunifying, and I personally would like to see Highborne included in this as I feel they've been completely overshadowed by the Nightborne at this point and it would make the AR more than 'just' High Elves, but I digress.

While possibly, the name, 'High Elf,' is pretty specific to the Thalassian Elves who remained loyal to the Alliance.

By contrast the San'layn seem more like a broader term that could encompass any undead elves who have an affinity for Blood Magic.

If the High Elves were to ever get something similar, however, I imagine it'd be Half-Elves, since Arator seems to be somewhat set up to play a role down the line. I suppose Half-Elves could always become a human addition though.

I suppose so, though I'd call them Quel'dorei rather than merely High Elves if they included Half Elves and/or Highborne, as they do share the same racial name.

Both groups getting both models is another way to neutralize any sort of model swapping issues. This also adds more depth to High Elves rather than 'stealing a Horde race' as some like to refer to the idea.
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To say what the Horde so frequently says to the High Elf folks-- NO MORE ELVES