San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Used them just as an example of the kind of changes San’layn and other future Allied Races, since there has been a lot of work gone into it. If it makes you feel any better, we can think of the Mag’har Orc, the posture options, as well as the body differences of the Zandalari Trolls and Kul Tiran Humans. Then again, having to name more than one race is more effort than just using one that has the whole package.

If people stick with the subject, rather than the comparison, it wouldn’t be a problem. One could suggest other comparisons and share a new suggestion.

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I think he was referring to using them as a “I can’t have them, so you can’t gave San’layn”, not your suggestions. Hence “retort”.

On your point, yeah an all encompassing undead elf AR could work and be interesting. At that point like I said, racial spellskins on a toggle for flavor (so not gameplay just effects) would be cool. I say “Banshee” and not “Dark ranger” so that all classes would be encompassed.

One major issue though is this: I see people who want dark rangers as also really favoring DR spell effects. How could we capture that in a race?

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So say if the Mag’har Orcs had a more visual racial, give them different appearances based on the Clans the different skins are based from? If so, that would be really good. This may also encourage how spells look according to what race you are as well. Similar to how it use to be with Blood Elf Paladins, but enhanced.


Fun fact, I also have a list of suggestions similar to my High Elf suggestions list.

I need to update this thing.

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I can give an example to better build up what I’m thinking;
Say the ‘flavor’ racial on an undead elf race is two things:

  1. Embrace of the Vampyr
  2. Embrace of the Banshee

I am not doing zombie as an example because that might encroach upon forsaken. Your two undead elves would therefore be the banshee (and therefore dark rangers if you’re a hunter) or a San’layn.

Now, this Allied Race would have a variety of markings for indication like Mah’gar, but it wouldn’t really be the markings that make you different. Since vampyr and banshee do look so similar, you’d pick regular ears for banshee, or bat-like ears for San’layn. Both could have fangs, and both could have either red or black eyes. Eye markings could indicate banshee, but I suppose also work for San’layn. If you want to be a Banshee that looks like a San’layn, I guess that’d be on you. Just like how you can claim you’re one orc clan I guess but have the markings for another, that’s a RP-esque idea that sounds odd, but hey, people can do it.

The spellskins wouldn’t apply to every spell, as that would not be fair. Basically, it’d apply to only the racials of this theoretical allied race. For example:

  1. Active lifesteal buff
    Under embrace of the vampyr, you would put your hand out and see blood being drawn from your target. Under embrace of the banshee, you would see a ghostly effect, life essence, being ripped from the target. Gameplay-wise, both spells would do the exact same thing, but flavor-wise, it wouldn’t.
  2. Supposed Racial Mount spell
    Under embrace of the vampyr, your mount cast would make you turn into a cloud of bats. Under embrace of the banshee, you would gain a banshee form. (Come on, this would be epic)
  3. A random proc ability?
    Under embrace of the vampyr, you would gain a bloody aura/shield. Under embrace of the banshee, you would gain a ghostly aura/shield.

So these are just my ideas an examples of what this would do. This way we’re distinct from Mah’gar, as markings aren’t the real differentiation, and we’re different from Zandalari, as the “Embraces” are for flavor and don’t modify how the spells work in gameplay. Just the looks.

Now, I wouldn’t suggest this for every single class or spell because that would be giving us too much, if you catch my drift. That is better fit for class skins. No, these ‘embraces’ would only affect our ‘racial spell looks’ if you know what I mean. We also could gain a cool aura based on the ‘embrace’ we select.


If San’layn were playable and had the hairstyle options and everything that’s in the OP I would play one so bad.


All I picture is Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust when his hand inhales the darkness spell, lol. Would be very cool. I have two Vampire Hunter D movies and they are fun especially Bloodlust. Here is the better one

And I saw what you wrote on that vampire class thread about Twilight. I’ve never seen them and never will. They looked like teen girl movies when they came out and the wolves and vampires looked SO stupid. Also, I’m going to check out Castlevania on Netflix. I didn’t know they made that. :+1: Use to play the crap out of those games. Didn’t even realize that Alucard was Dracula backwards till after I had played that game for a while, lol.

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After a long day of working on two take-home quizzes, totaling 72 questions, and reading another chapter for two more quizzes on two more chapters tomorrow, I thought of a /silly I don’t think I posted on here:

“I took this blood elf out for a quick bite, but I found that he wasn’t my type.”

If I already posted it, enjoy it again. On the bright side, almost to the halfway point of my summer class. Huzzah!! \ ^o^ /


I finally finished college last december. So much debt I’ll probably still be paying it when i retire. I didn’t have the knowledge/financial sense of how much it would affect me when i first started.

Anyways i’ve always loved the sanlayn, and OP you look awesome and look like one already


A thought just occurred to me regarding what rep to tie San’layn to if they become an allied race: Talanji’s Expedition.

We saw the San’layn in Nazmir via Alliance’s war campaign, and I feel like reintroducing them in that area would work very well. Not only would they be a great asset in the fight against Blood Trolls, notice the word “blood” there, they could use echolocation from their bat form to move about and ambush enemies more easily. This is where my Echo Squad idea came from when I first started posting in this megathread.

If Blizzard were to take this approach, it would make sense for the San’layn to assist Talanji’s Expedition in the area, and thus tie them into that rep as a criteria for unlocking them. It would also earn them favor with the Zandalari, Talanji in particular since she is dubious to them, as well as to start having the Horde warm up to them as they prove themselves.

Of course, this is assuming that they wouldn’t just put in a brand new rep for us to grind, since a lot of us would already be exalted with Talanji’s Expedition.


Interesting, though I think it might be likely for a Sylvanas or Lor’themar associated rep introduced in 8.3 or 9 sometime.


Neat! Been watching some vampire anime myself, like Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign and Blood Lad. Seraph had a very meh ending, though, to be honest. I personally don’t favor it. You also might like Hellsing Ultamite, or in general. Vampires are depicted very violently there too :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh boy, I could rant on for ages about how much I bloody hate that series. As someone who was a teenage girl once, I can say it’s not a good story for them too. Beyond the utter butchering of vampire lore, and not even in a creative sense at all (AKA bringing something new and interesting to the table, which is what I try to do with the novels I write), the characters are very bland and depict an extremely toxic relationship. The focus upon a “love triangle” is also really ridiculous. Now, I’m someone that does like romance here and there, but only if it’s done right. I like action and character building more. A ship, to me, needs to not rely on the other strongly at all. It can be there, but there should be no singular reliant party on either side, because the depiction at that point is just vastly pathetic and again…toxic.

Now, there’s minor romance in the beginning of Castlevania. Tragic loss, really, the centerpiece of why Dracula went extremely violent–and I don’t blame him, not one bit. I think that they did a beautiful job of depicting the creation of a very valid supervillain. This is coming from someone who’s never actually played those games. Can you believe it? I honestly should.

But yeah. Personally, I think Castlevania on Netflix is amazing. There’s one point in which I saw some vampires go out to a town and literally rip out throats to feed. They’re not pushovers at all. If someone’s an enemy, feed, rip out throats, destroy. I’m fine with regal and smooth vampires, and even the romanticized parts of them. But to me, there cannot be any of that without the very violent side, which is rendering enemies to a pulp and draining every ounce of their blood.

Twilight didn’t depict that at all. Not only did they implement gargoyle lore, which is that they’re made of stone and sparkle “like stone in the sun”, but the “main vampires” were “vegetarians” because they didn’t feed on humans; only animals.

I am fine if vampires don’t burn in the sun. The ones I write do not, they’re biological nocturnal species of humanoids that are more sensitive and burn in the sun, also have impaired vision in too much light because it’s simply too bright. (Apparently my vampires are sci-fi vampires, as I’m turning them into a living sister species of humans, and implementing biology of other blood-sucking animals into my mythos. The more you know, eh?)

So, anyway. In conclusion, people tend to use “twilight” and throw it into our faces because that’s unfortunately tainted the vampire myth. It bugs me so much, and I shouldn’t let it. But the fact that people genuinely jump to that, and actually think that any respectable vampire fan takes that series seriously, well, it saddens me, because I obviously enjoy vampires as a mythical monster quite a bit.

I like this silly! Here’s one of my ideas :smiley:

“Why do you have to be A-negative person about this? I say B-positive.”

D’aww thanks, I appreciate it. Usually this toon has her rhinestone Sunglasses on. But… sadly when I put them on, they no longer show up on the forums :sob:

Yeah I do like this idea. Someone also brought up the idea that their racial hub could be in a necropolis in Nazmir. There’s a lot of blood stuff going on, and someone disappearing in Nazmir wouldn’t be all too suspicious, all things considered. Blame it on the Blood Trolls, persay. That could be one of the places they’ve been hiding out and even preying on Blood Trolls. Them being sighted in Nazmir is a good indication that perhaps there’s more of them lurking there still.


Shiki is a good vampire anime/manga, though it leans way into the Horror part.

Ow ow oWWWWW, that’s a stakin >_<


We need a good blend of horror in vampire stuff, so that’s just fine I’m sure. Sometimes it’s a glorious blood bath. Sadly, it’s not the thing anyone seems to remember. I really, really hope Castlevania is redeeming the mythos. It’s generally liked on Netflix.

Me, anytime someone brings up “Twilight”:


New idea for a recruitment quest.

The new Lich King still has a bunch of them on lockdown and you have to break them out.



Even better if we can get a drunk/MCed Flynn to help.

Edit: and that Murloc Professor

Yeah, i love Shiki but i still throw that warning up, it’s like 30Days of Night. No action/adventure, no romance, straight up horror.

Honestly, Castlevania is probably the best response to Twilight anyway. We’re all gamers here, so if the first thing you think of when you hear “vampire” is “Twilight,” then I’d have to ask why you personally have such a strong association with that work of… literature…

As a gamer, Castlevania should be one of the top associations with the word. They’ve been getting vampires right since 1986, kickstarting an iconic gaming phenomenon that hasn’t even lost steam to this very day (with Bloodstained, Ritual of the Night picking up the baton that Konami refuses to bear any more).

TL;DR, Alucard good. Edward bad.


Hello Folks, I know its kind of odd seeing me here after I had done some scummy things in the Past. But I would like to say I’m sorry to everyone who I had mocked in the Past as well as now.

Also seeing the fact I had just left ARC Discord as well as how I’m pretty much Permanently Banned from Both Allied Race Discords. However I do want to see San’layn be added in as a playable race since much Work, Effort, and Detail has been made into these guys then what I can say for High Elves.

I hope you guys continue the Cause and I hope you guys get what you want from Blizzard.

B.S. I don’t think San’layn are not Twilight Vampires. They’re more Underworld, and more Castlevania Kind.

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offers Wallurian a muffin