Samuro's canon fate

Samuro the Blademaster and Samuro, lead singer of the Elite Tauren Chieftans are the same guy. The wiki says they’re not but the wiki is wrong.

  • Both characters are named after and voiced by Samwise Didier.
  • Both are orcs with gray hair.
  • ETC Samuro showed up at the exact same time Blademaster Samuro “disappeared”

They’re the same guy. Samuro retired as a blademaster after the Burning Blade disgraced themselves by becoming a demon cult, so he became a traveling musician.


Sounds fake but okay.

Samuro is doing well in the Nexus and the Nexus is the real afterlife in my opinion!

He’s badass !

Samuro is a title.

I am mad he wasn’t at the kosh’arg

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it conflicted with his concert itinerary

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Do you think that when they were creating the Burning Blade area of Nagrand for WoD, someone on the team wanted to make it really Japanese? Like someone wanted them to have a Shinto Shrine and cherry blossoms and such? Maybe even have them do… the accent?

I think so. I think someone had to be talked out of this.


I doubt it. Blizzard had the budget at that point to just hire actors who actually had that accent if they wanted, as seen in Pandaria. Plus at that point, Asian architecture was fully associated with Pandaren, so it would have been confusing as hell.

As confusing as having the old god-worshipping Nerubians steal their architecture ideas from Maldraxxus, as a way of explaining how the Scourge got their hands on it?

I do not think Blizzard ever shied away from something architecturally just because it might be confusing.


I mean Kaldorei architecture is quite literally based off the Japanese.


Kaldorei draw inspiration from a lot of cultures. Like some of the food is middle eastern inspired I believe

Or so I been told anyway.


… Grilled spider kebabs?


I’ve heard the claim before is all. I never bothered to actually look that deep into it myself :dracthyr_nervous_animated:


It is true, my mother would tell me tales of the home cooked spider kebab she used to eat when she was a little girl, using only the most tender bits of the local people-sized giant spiders found stalking the outskirts of Damascus.

It is all very true.


perversely curious to know what that conversation was like

Yeah he was unable to make it, due to holding a concert for the Amani Trolls. :dracthyr_nod:
… The Amani even considered Sig Nicious to be an exception to the rest of his kind :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Would’ve been far better if they simply explained that some Nerubians had ended up in the Maldraxxus afterlife and were in fact the ones who introduced such to handfuls of the denizens there :yum: which the realm then utilised with the great benefits & power that their cultural structures provided which eventually made their way back to the Lich King (full circle!) to emphasise the greater potential of the Lich King’s spidery-undead forces attained in Northrend.

… Would’ve been far more sensible & acceptable that way :dracthyr_nod: … at least for me personally, anyway :person_shrugging:

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