Samurai Pizza Cats are recruiting for our raid team!

Current needs:
Healers: 2-3 - prefer priest, druid or pally but willing to bring on another shaman healer. =)
melee - 1 rogue
ranged - 2 mage or warlock
We are quite full on hunters for the sake of progression, however, we are open to all classes who want to play more casually.

Current Raiding Schedule:
Tues/Thur - Kara nights - will be dropping 1 Kara night soon and possibly making it a different raid. Kara is on farm, and we mostly do it for a small few items left for mains, to gear up new mains and for alts.

Fri - Gruuls/Mag - and currently first boss in SSC - these are on farm.

Sun - SSC - Currently only have 2 bosses down, with the goal to get a 3rd this weekend. (cross your fingers for us!) Starting this week we have moved the first boss to after our Gruul’s and Mag raids in order to have more time to focus on progression Sunday. This is also why we’re reworking our teams. IF we change our Gruuls/Mag night from Friday, we will also be adding SSC to Friday in order to spend 2 nights focusing on progression. Currently, it is just the 1.

Raid Times - Pull at 9 PM server, ends at midnight. Invites start at 8:30

Loot System:
Now that raiding is has scaled down from 40 mans, we have gone back to a simpler system - need verse greed. With the exception of a few, coveted chase items, which we have prechosen who roles on based on need, attendance, and who would most benefit the guild as a whole. We expect core raiders to know their BiS, but also to understand who would benefit more from that BiS.

About us
Samurai Pizza Cats have been around for over 15 years. Many are family and friends who have been running together since classic. In classic, many of us were in hardcore guilds and/or pvp’d. We have several former High Warlords with us who still enjoy pvping. These days, we’re a bit more laid back, and casual friendly…but have really enjoyed progression after the launch of TBC. We are a close knit, friendly guild who enjoys helping on another out, though we tend to be more active in the evenings.

Currently, we are breaking the guild into 2 groups. Our more casual players will make raids when they can for the raids we have on farm, but will be able to sub in for progression if needed… and our core raid team. Who will be more progression-focused and have stricter raiding rules in order to progress.

Expectations for core raid team: Be able to make at least 80% of our raids, if you cannot make it… please let us know in advance so that we can get someone to alt in for you. Show up on time, but again… if you cannot, please contact one of the officers ahead of time to let us know. Know your BiS. Study raid strats prior to taking on a new boss and take the time to review the raid strat we have posted, as well. Come repaired and with your consumes, and please make sure you have your gems and enchants in order. These are all things guildies will be able to help with. You must be open to class guidance, if we can offer advice to make your character do more damage, pull of heals faster, have better mana regen… we will.

If interested please contact one of our officers in-game or Drago or I on Discord. Thank you!
Jolifeu - Joli#1845, Dragomere - larathyn#0949, Ursari, Doctermoo, Nebulae, Moolatte or Carealot