can’t figure which job I wanna play tbh
woops lol.
You aren’t even level 50 in wow. You won’t get to be a samurai
Shinobi lul
Thief here but i want to get more into my Revenant too.
Just level up all of them. Each job has unique storyline.
I’m now at my 8 job leveling. Healer queues are insane in FF. It’s not even a second, you pick any dungeon - instant pop up. Even tanks have to wait.
Answer is Red Mage btw
Black Mage for the win!
I did monk. Learning how to execute the perfect combo rotation was so satisfying.
I loooove DNC, but I guess minus the ranged part that is cos it is kind of like DH, mash buttons, dash forward, zippy class xD
I love having a dance partner and being able to buff/shield/heal them. Even works on my choco when out questing xD
Dragoon looks fun
I mained LNC/DRG until I unlocked 60 for DNC. Never looked back xD
Sith Sorcerer.
WoW or ff14, the game that is just a worse version of WoW and all the stuff that WoW players hate about WoW. Man, hard decision.
I ended up with a Samurai as all the other two-hand sword or axe wielding melee classes are tank only.
@op, between those 2 options take the Samurai.
Sorry,even though I like my Japanese roots the samurai I wouldn’t take it up not even in game.
Journeyman or Roustabout.
My experience exactly.