this would be a cross of a Rogue and a warrior.
Blademaster would probably be as close as it gets, and I’d prefer it to be for both factions.
So basically the orc blademaster but for some reason it would go to alliance instead of orcs where it belongs in Warcraft lore.
I am convinced WoW devs have intentionally avoided putting anything Japanese in the game since vanilla (weapons, mounts, mogs). You can’t be so out of touch and avoid one of the most popular and beloved culture for so many years just by accident.
Samurai in WoW is just a arms warrior with a Katana.
Final Fantasy 14 on the other hand has a Samurai class. I liked it and found it fun.
it would also be a class not just one orc
Honestly, arms warrior is the blademaster / samurai in a lot of ways. They’re a class / spec combination built around the concept of someone striking with precision and with a degree of weapon mastery not found on this planet easily.
How do we break the news to him guys?
Arms warrior, there are katana swords to mog too.
What movie?
Robocop, shortly before Murphy “donates” his body.
Imagine the rage if survival become the blademaster spec
I heard the Rogue City game was decent.
Heard it has the flavor the sequels didn’t have.
It’s because WoW isn’t popular in Japan (never was) but is big in Korea and was big in China.
Korea/China and Japan have historical disagreements so “beloved culture” isn’t the best description for many people in those countries vis-a-vis Japanese culture.
I think them reworking survival hunter into a samurai spec for hunter would dramatically increase the spec’s population because at its current stage… it’s like hunter only has 2 specs.
Samurais commonly used bows. So Survival being turned into a ranged-melee hybrid would work surprisingly well.