Same old question

I haven’t played this in quite some time and i am planning on picking it back up on Wednesday. Thing is, i have been primarily playing Horde, but i first ever made an Alliance toon.

Since im coming back, ive decided to main either a Dwarf or a Worgen…but cant decide on a popular Alliance server or even a class for those two.

Any recommendations?
side note, i enjoy DPS but may try tanking. thanks everybody!

There are a lot of servers to choose from. You can check wowprogress or wowrealmpopulation for a better idea of server population and faction distribution.

Any of the tank classes can also dps. The question from there is melee or ranged? Melee is going to be most of them (Warr, DK, Pal, DH, Monk), Druids can do both melee and ranged. Paladins, Monks, and Druids can also heal. I like male worgen’s in plate. I love female dwarves, they’re badass, and not very common. I have female dwarf Shaman, DK, Monk, Rogue.

For the launch of the past couple of expansions, many high pop servers have been pretty much a disaster.

Login queues taking hours and lots of disconnects once you did get logged in.

Area52 is one to avoid. they get on the forums a bunch saying they can’t get online

For Alliance, the biggest servers are Stormrage, Sargaras, and Proudmoore. I’d give Dalaran an honorable mention. It’s a bit smaller than the others, but still a decent size if you aren’t into the mega-server thing. If you’re interested in RP, then Moonguard is the best choice, with Wyrmrest Accord being also being decent for Alliance.