Same faction...hostile outside FFA?

I was fighting a fellow Alliance player at the ducks wpvp quest the other day. He kicked me off the cliff and I glided so far away that I ended up in Waking Shores.

Turns out he followed me and was able to re-engage. How are two players of the same faction able to be hostile towards each other when they’re nowhere near a FFA zone?

The flag stays with you awhile.

If you grab some Blackened Worg Steak, which allows you to track humanoids, you’ll see the pvp flag stays for some time. I’ve called out approaching Hordees for the Supply Crate and it was just Alliance who were flagged from the quest. After a bit, presto, they were unflagged and green on the mini map again.

In fact, before I knew better, I may have opened up on one or two…by accident, naturally.

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The FFA flag remains applied for ~60 seconds after leaving the FFA area, I believe. Once the FFA flag disappears from either player, you won’t be able to attack each other (provided you’re the same faction – opposing faction players can still attack you, FFA flagged or not [this assumes that you’re currently PvP flagged, whether manually flagged up or in war mode – it’s possible to be FFA flagged and be attackable by other FFA flagged players, but not PvP flagged]).

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