Same-Faction BGs in Classic

Man this got heated. I agree with what Nawat said, just let everyone queue together. And with the whole “but mah lore!” Blizzard excuse… Come on. They threw lore out the window with warlords.

Why are we even fighting each other in shadowlands? Our leaders are literally saving each other. This is a great move for classic, especially since they offered free transfers the first time around and they didn’t work.

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It seems to be an alliance thing … a lot of time when I am mercing and try to glide off the elevation near the alliance cave , I get gripped back

Gotta say Idun as much as I disagree with the long queues for horde, yours has been the best and most mature alliance response iv seen so far in that you’re not specifically blaming players that chose horde, but the actual lack of awareness around the fact that the issue was looming.

If i’d have had access to the data that showed population imbalances and how that affects queue times i’d have most certainly used my boost on an alliance character.

Thanks for being one of the good blue cookies! :slight_smile:

There shouldn’t.

However, the choice currently is “pick between the factions: this one you may want to play because PrEtTy and this one over here has a larger community and numerical advantages (which historically led to number one)” - the choice is an illusion because there’s a lot of stuff going for one faction and not a whole lot for the other.

It would be like offering someone the exact same job, but one of them comes with a company car, more holiday, and more social events. Who would pick the one without the additional perks?

There are trolls on both sides, this isn’t an Alliance-exclusive problem. I had a game a while back where a priest gripped the tank, who admittedly was tanking in a stupid place to begin with, outside of the bunker when Vanndar Stormpike was at 15% health. He leashed, healed to full and the game was lost.

Here’s an item you can use in regular battlegrounds to make you immune to life grip if it annoys you so much -


Are you talking about randoms? Cause I had a near 100% win rate in the little BG’s when I was playing. Alliance were actually massacring horde. That’s exclusively solo queing and mediocerly geared.

Regardless though. It’s kinda beside the point. I think it’s a half arsed fix that addresses horde issues at the expense of alliance ones. The better solution for both factions is to stop pretending.

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Oh I have no doubt about this whatsoever.

Yeah. I usually win when I play Alliance too but that’s likely because I only do it when we’re in a group just trying to run some BGs and merc queue for faster times. I duno, this post just caught me at the wrong time, I was so annoyed about getting LoF’d away from my tank when he was surrounded with enemies. LOL We still won the match but I was salty about it for a minute, like literally maybe the 2nd or 3rd time the entire season I raged in Discord. xD

I legit solo qued only (all PvP friends have quit the game lol) at a lame 215 ilvl ele sham. Last games played were over a month ago now but was winning damn near 100%. I actually got bored of winning so hard lol…

Lol yeah priests have a tool kit that lends to some awesome but some truly terrible plays. I remember once I was playing resto. I was our only healer in a wsg. Shadow priest was almost dead. He life swaps me as this rogue opens on me and I insta die. FC proceeds to die. That was pretty rage inducing. Back when I played horde that was :rofl:

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Dude. Lmao Yeah, I’m super reserved and friendly 99.9% of the time but that stuff melts my brain.

They have plenty of choices. For starter:

  • Dual spec so Alliance players have a reason to get out of PvE once in a while. As it stands, you ask any Alliance players and PvP is just too demoralizing to participate in, paying for respect just makes the matter worse.
  • Nerf Will of the Forsaken and watch the army of sweaty undead players instantly reroll.
  • Extra honor gain for the faction with less people in queue.

I can come up with plenty of simple changes that won’t increase the imbalance even more and all Blizzard could come up with is to throw Alliance under the bus once again to let the Horde freely stomp through?

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Isn’t like, 30% of the horde population Blood elves?

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Spend anytime in a BG and all you’ll see is undead. PvE players being blood elf is irrelevant to PvP faction balance.

There are a large swathe of players who just follow the arena streamers and the pvp racial meta.

If blizzard swapped racials to the other faction all these “we play horde because we love being horde” folks would probably jump ship just as quickly as the streamers would.

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The feedback thread will be interesting…


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Logged in to try it out. Que’d up my BG’s WSG/AB/EYE, average wait 20 min. Not what I was hoping for but its better then 45min-90min. 20 Mins go by, average 35 min. 35 min go by, average 45 min… aaaaaand I logged. Dang.

The matchmaking changes might not be live yet.

I hope you are right, I was told they are in. But it definitely wasn’t from a trusted source hah.

Alliance are whiny kids and hardly any of them pvp. Blame your faction for being a bunch of sissies. Can’t wait for the well deserved que time reduction.

It’ll probably be at least another hour or two.

The devs should be at work when the changes go live, in case anything breaks and they need to do emergency hotfixes.

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What a profoundly idiotic thing to say, truly, you must just repeat troll rhetoric and not have a mind of your own.

The queue times have everything to do with faction player imbalance, but if you truly believe the words you say, then there is no point in elaborating. It would be like trying to argue with someone who truly believed the earth was flat.


I think all alliance are stupid. Why do they want a balance in factions? PVP. What is blizzard fixing by implementing a change? PVP. Alliance actually has nothing to cry and groan about but they do it anyways just to do it because its a faction specific change and you guys are little kids going “UGH WHAT? WHERES MINE? I WANT ONE TOO”. You are all so childish. If this whole BG time thing was happening to your faction you would be asking for the same damn thing. So sit down, shut up, and play the game or dont. Either way Blizzard is going to do what they need to do to make sure (or try to despite the whiners) everyone is satisfied to the best of t heir ability.