Same exact shoulders four times LOL from world events and chests

So it is on an alt, an she only does world content so it’s not like I need great gear or anything but it is hilarious to me that I got the same 480 Veteran track shoulders four times today from the events.

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done one purpose so you are on the the treadmill for eternity


I wonder how common this is.

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I have so many belts already.

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I see a lot of people talking about it, but then again anyone who gets different pieces wouldn’t make a post so I’m sure we’re just the vocal minority.

Like I said it’s an alt, and it’s “free gear,” that I can space out and get while working on other stuff or watching TV. Just slightly annoying and very funny

The mix of timewalking dungeons meant that most of the gear my levelers got was legs or cloaks.

I keep getting cloaks for some reason.

Personally, i feel like the world quest reward chests should drop tokens. I’d be fine with them offering fewer of them but a token similar to the curios where I can go to a vendor and buy any of the items from the loot pool. It’s already gated by the quest availability, let me make sure the items I’m getting from that are things I need.

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Every single TW raid or dungeon i do, i get a repeat item on both characters that have agility. EVERY SINGLE WEEK OF IT.

Psure getting screwed after u “lucked out on good drops” is their moto for their game.

Ive gotten about 14 drops so far that are ilvl upgrades. 4 weapons, 6 belts in that. Ive only used 4 pieces. Cant replace my lego, only want 1 belt. Cant catalyst without breaking my set bonus. Its funny how it works sometimes.

That’s just bad RNG unfortunately

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Bet it is more common that we think. I didn’t have that luck this week. but I’ve had it before.

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My newly levelled to 70 alts have been belts and cloaks. No complaints though as they are now surpassing my regular toons for ilevel. Just got to see how many toons I can do this week /sigh

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In a way it has convinced to not even push too hard to try to get when done anymore what’s the point if it’s just 50 vendor gold