Seems like the assault world quests that were bugged upon release of 8.1 are still regularly breaking down and suffering from the same bugs almost 2 months later.
Breaching Boralus - The Iron Star kill quest still has major issues with respawns and getting credit for kills
Thomas Vandergrief - Chest isn’t resetting properly, which is required to spawn the target of the quest.
Quest objectives not spawning properly during the finale of Romp in the Swamp when you are in the rocket.
Pets falling through the airship in Nazmir on the Horde side(might be fixed, but I thought the same of others and was wrong).
I’m sure there are others that I’m just not thinking of right this moment, but all those have been an issue since the first time the quests appeared during an assault in 8.1. Meanwhile we have daily adjustments to a world first race most of the playerbase doesn’t participate in and by Thralls balls forget it if we have a “fun” toy introduced. Hotfixed faster than the road melts in an Australian summer.
TL;DR Fix the broken content that the masses are doing!