Salanar - The Horseman Set

Why don’t we have the salanar set for dks? I always found this NPC very, very iconic.

The green eyes, the different shoulder pads…everything about him reminds him of some kind of imminent danger.

DKs should have tons of sets that remind us of death, sets that remind us of a different, evil cult.

The set we will have soon demonstrates this:

that’s what I’m talking about !


Gives off strong Peter Jackson Return of the King haradrim vibes, I dig it. And he sent us to the shadow lands back when it was cool.


I suspect that helm works more like a mascot-head than a typical helm, which is probably why only NPCs get to wear it.

Still, using it as inspiration for a fresh item and/or set wouldn’t be amiss.

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Because we don’t have to look like every npc in the game.


“Iconic” is going the way of “toxic”; overused and bastardized into meaninglessness.

Outside of the helmet, you can probably make a set very close to that with various classic greens

I don’t play a DK but I support them getting more class sets that aren’t

a) skulls
b) ice
c) icy skulls

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I’ll look later, I’ve never seen any type of plate armor that has these lines and this brownish tone.

Nah I’d take more icy skulls, as long as they’re the same blue as the last icy skulls so we can mix and match the set together instead of every icy skull set being just a slightly different shade of blue so none of them match and it angers me

Saltstone or Tyrant, they’re pretty close for some of the pieces

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The shoulders will also be basically impossible to replicate. The left shoulder is technically an obtainable model, but it’s been rotated 180 on a 45 degree axis.

This one?

For me, although there are black lines on legs, there is something VERY different about these sets… :rofl:

Salanar’s set resembles a fantasy arabic warrior, from the sands…but it brings death behind the visual meaning. It’s difficult to describe.

In my defense, Im using a dude so the armor isn’t well… platekini

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I saw it on wowhead now.

In fact, in men’s cases, there is a metallic part that follows the pattern of the armor.

In Salanar it is a pair of cloth pants underneath the plates.

It really is similar but it’s still not the same set… considering those cool details of the dark red cloth pants underneath in certain parts.

Hear me out…
I’ve put a LOT of thought into this:

Skulls, but they’re carved out of ice.




with some ice stakes.

His legs and chest are Saltstone. I’m wearing them now. I would like that helm, though.