Safe to say WoW community council is a total failure?

Is the purpose of the CC to make Blizzard acquiesce to every player demand though?

Not saying that PvP gearing shouldn’t be changed, but you’re looking at the CC failing because they didn’t give you what YOU want.

I’m not sure that’s the best metrics for it failing or succeeding.

Demand? What demand? The topic wasn’t even openly discussed, it was immediately shut down. PvP gearing has literally been the most talked about issue in the game since Alpha. Every single time it’s the largest threads with most detailed feedback.

Weird, I never said what I wanted. Pretty sure the issue was that there was no discussion…at all.

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I like how they try to throw each other under the bus. It’s quite hilarious.

Read yesterday after a member said the pet battle stuff in his bags is “his wife’s stuff”

The other member linked how sharing accounts is against the tos.

I LOLd, pretty pathetic. Community council needs to go ahead and be shut down, it’s gonna go no where.


A lot of them are fine but some of them, yeah, not a lot going on upstairs.

To be fair, that does sound like a decent snapshot of the WoW playerbase lol.

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Well, Blizz apparently chose an open racist as one of the people there…what did you think would happen?

It’s definitely the most pointless thing that they’ve done in years… Most of the posts are awful, tons of embarrassing takes, and probably 90% of the total posts/replies is one person that instantly starting shilling their social media accounts on day one. Not to mention the whole Discord incident.

If its purpose isn’t to just be a scapegoat for Blizzard then they might as well shut it down now before it tanks even further.


^ So much this. It is funny how people here think changes are supposed to happen immediately. It shows they have absolutely ZERO knowledge in coding/development and how much it takes to make updates. This is why there is gating in ALL mmos. It is impossible to pump out content/changes as fast as people expect.

I feel like people need to temper expectations. If you’re impatient and working yourself up in a rage over the results, or lack of, of the community council, that’s 100% on you.

I think the devs would agree with you. Certainly as far as proposed PvP changes are concerned, everything has been said already. If you, that’s you specifically, are thinking that somehow there will be fresh new ideas about PvP gearing in the council, that’s not a reasonable expectation.

Just in general there is nothing different about the people who belong to the council that sets them apart from forum denizens like you and me. You happen to have a very low opinion of your fellow travelers. The council format has failed before.

And in any case, if they cared what players think about this or that, there are better ways to get that information, which there is no sign they have ever used.

It has to do with a number of very long threads that have been in beta, PTR, and PvP forums that you seem to be unfamiliar with.

I think devs agree with you, which is why they’ve decided to stick with the “locked on top for the entire expansion because you played the game like 3 jobs the first week” model. Cratering PvP participation, particularly at the casual level, would suggest otherwise. The idea that there has never been any discussion on this and there is no consensus is clueless or disingenuous.

I’ll summarize: Majority opinion is that there should be a system where honor gear is fast to get and almost as good as conquest gear. Both rated and unrated PvPers have this opinion.

Minority opinion is that gear is not only more important than skill, but skill should be irrelevant. This opinion is held by those who benefit from the current system, where unrated PvP is a currency dispenser where people with rating go to farm badly geared players for honor to upgrade their gear. And of course boost sellers, most of whom are earning a living doing cash carries.

Half of players did random bgs during wrath. The majority of the playerbase, as well as the majority of the PvP playerbase, is casual. Most who do PvP never do rated. They don’t want to. Trying to force casuals who just want to do bgs into rated arena has been a big fail.

I’m going to push this right back on you. The opinions stated in the council are and will continue to be the same as the ones in other forums.

The game is sold on its emotional appeal. When something feels wrong - and both fun and boredom are feelings - players will complain and leave. Lots of complaints should be a red flag for makers to investigate and find out when something is wrong and what to do about it.

Players can’t fix the game. They are not obligated to write and publish book-length treatises and come up with meta solutions for every issue in the game. Sometimes they suggest. But mostly they just leave.


Sorry, the community council is now a Legacy feature.


I’m curious, by what method are you judging the success or failure of the new community council? My impression is that it was installed to give Blizzard a snapshot of what players think about the game.

what’s up with some cc members arguing with each other on that forum like thats not what its for at all /facepalm

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If that’s how you feel so be it :man_shrugging: Blizz still has time for me.

My assumption when people say the community council has failed is that they expect Blizz to respond to every thread made.

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I wouldn’t say it’s safe to call it a failure at all. But it’s also important to recognize that the objectives of the playerbase are not the objectives of the devs and it’s their forum that they invited a select number of people to participate in.

Does it achieve my objectives? Questionable at best. Better understanding of things like Tier sets is great, but I want to know the thought process behind rep locking second legos. Something they clearly have not yet bothered about to answer. That doesn’t mean they don’t intend to, or aren’t working on one, just that they haven’t yet. Does that mean it’s any less frustrating for me? No. PvP players feel the same way in regards to their gearing discussion.

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November 1st:
Blizzard: “Introducing the community council!”

November: You can’t expect anything from anyone, it’s United States’ Thanksgiving season!

December: You can’t expect anything from anyone, it’s the Winter Holiday Season!

January: You can’t expect anything from anyone, it’s only been a couple months!

I can’t wait to see what happens in February!


I agree. Was hoping some of them would post questions to the GD occasionally, if nothing else to get a feel of what we think - maybe even a survey, oh that would be cool!


Completely false. Blizzard has made a lot of changes in response to player feedback, well before any council existed. This is a very bad point that a lot of people make, which only goes to prove mine.

Players agreed with me, but we forget very quickly the things that people praised in these forums.

You get quests which hand you gear for little effort. PvP was a great gearing avenue.

Again, a tired point which people throw around with little information of what actually happened.

100% of players named Kittredge don’t care about your made up statistics. Again, this is why a council should exist, it’s because most people have no idea what they are talking about, they just know how they feel. Knowing how you feel and expressing that feeling isn’t a bad thing, it’s often indicative of problems in game, but they don’t help the community or devs… they just get us complaint post, after complaint post, after complaint post.

This is very true, and it can indicate a problem as I said before, but it isn’t helpful or constructive.

No, but by complaint they can break it.

I’ve seen a lot of good posts happen in the community council forums.

This. Blizzard has been saying they want better communications for years.
Cmon, they want special communication now? :roll_eyes:

I think this is why very few people took it seriously and the whole thing looked more like a publicity stunt.


Microsoft acquisition from now until Microsoft actually takes over
then getting adjusted to Microsoft having taken over

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