Safe to say WoW community council is a total failure?

You’re paid to do a job. The fact that a cc is needed for them to communicate shows they have paper thin skin.

Months of silence breeds distrust


It is not part of their job to be harassed and threatened. They are not punching bags.

Distrust is fine, vitriol isn’t.

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They have the handy dandy ability to lay down the banhammer for vitriol. A 6 month reminder would stop that fast.

Blizzard community gets away with so much due to the limp wrist approach to punishments


Youd think as actual members they’d have guidelines and wont need to rely on a quick YouTube video.

They literally said it in their video, they got an email saying they were invited and that was it.

Did you read the blue post? Just go read through it.

It’s all undetermined to be announced type of things. Everything they have said is speculation from how the sets are determined to how its acquired, it doesnt give anymore information than Wowhead.

Cool hearing their thought process behind things but acquiring them from raid/tokens or other methods is what the playerbase wants to know about.

For a causal player it’s the decision between resubbing or not if tiers will be locked behind raids again.

Only after they’ve been a victim of it.

The nice thing about the community council is that it prevents them from being a victim of vitriol at all.

Are you a council member? How do you know they didn’t get guidelines?

One person said something like that. Doesn’t make it true.

Ah, so you admit that the community council has achieved something. Something you even admittedly call cool.

Awesome, glad we agree on something.

I guess being from California will send you to months of therapy seeing vitriol and you need a safespace to post.


Why not take action against such vitriol instead…you can’t ignore the entire community just because few might cross their limit


Cool discussion =/ results, plenty of cool discussions happening on GD.

The thread you link is no different to information on Wowhead or GD, I’ve seen non devs post very similar thought processes on the GD.

The point is if they are going to create a separate forum specifically for devs and a selected amount of players it needs to produce results otherwise its just a glorified GD which it what it currently is.

It’s not just about that though. Vitriol isn’t just harmful and mentally taxing, it’s NON PRODUCTIVE.

And blizzard has the ability to end it. The bnet community is 100% due to blizzard being so gentle with punishments.

The forums have been up for about a month. Like I said, if you expected to see results this early, I don’t think you have a good grasp on how game development works.

Glad you can distinguish the difference. Hearing from the Devs themselves is always better than hearing from somebody else.

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Again take action against those…solution isn’t to completely ignore the entire community

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None of the things discussed are new concepts, it’s not like they encountered a brand new problem and needs time to think it through then implement. They haven’t introduced anything that is new for the last 4 xpacs

These issues have been ignored for years on GD.

Which dev studio do you work for? I may not be in game design but I’ve done plenty of dev work and it does not take devs talking to consumers to improve the product.

If you are relying on a completely different forum just to get public opinion you’re wasting time.

Competant devs know what needs to be done by actually using their own products, maybe upper management is the issue here but devs should know the most about their own products.

It’s like they dont even play their own game.

I expected that they would be given topics to discuss with minimal followup from devs.

And a similar format has been tried in the past, though less publicly, without notable results. I think they were comfortable with this format. I also think the development cycle is so long the group really can’t have much affect in the near future.

I also think that putting a lot of people who aren’t forumgoers by nature on it has limited the amount of discussion that will take place to a small percentage of members.

Don’t expect much and you won’t be disappointed.

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I don’t understand why they don’t talk to us here.

Are we trash?


We do keep hearing that no one at Blizzard should ever listen to what players say in GD or take players seriously, don’t we?

That’s so dumb. We could help them fix the game and probably make more money.

One inevitably leads to the other. Might as well just tell water to stop being wet.

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Ideally their goal should be preventing failure rather than responding to complaints about something it is too late to change.