Sad how dead arena is

Yeah, children like you crying about gatekeeping because higher rated people didn’t want to carry you

Whatever that means.

Not that I look at Arena Premades often except to report the RMT ads now and then, but I figured I’d peak real quick and there are over 30 in the arena channel as I write this. Some fliing and others coming up. This is a normal amount for when I have looked at it over the past years. Maybe it is time of day?

No one wants to sit in lfg waiting for an invite. That’s the real reason why no casuals do 3s. The pvp community is dying cos people are aging and leaving the game behind. There is barely new players in wow and the ones it gets they go pve.


Never once spent more than 10 min in lfg, the problem is too many people weren’t getting invites to groups that were higher experience than their own, so they turned and cried “gatekeeping”

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Dynamic q, best of both worlds can still play with friends & q solo 3s.

Super easy fix.

I just don’t get why no one can look at the issue objectively. We too used to bickering.

Yeah let’s give it a crack bcuz why not.

And what is your unequivocal opinion of it then?

And people wonder why Blizzard is reluctant to take feedback from this forum. Woefully misinformed.

Also, I don’t dynamic queue is an option while actually solo queue is present in the game. People will be reluctant to play it as they will not want to overcome the perceived disadvantage of an organized team versus a pick up team.

The correct fix in the current state is revamping LFG completely and making reward benefits to playing organized versus rando queue arena options. It’s too late to un-ring the solo queue bell. Especially since it’s theoretically more popular than current arena.

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They took away 5s, they can take solo que out too.

Blizzard has removed systems in the past, they can do it again

Yeah, that’s totally gonna happen. Lmao.

True. But I seriously doubt they will do it in this particular situation. You’ll see more solo queue options rather than less down the road.


Pvers sit for 40min+ on lfg for m+ and they dont have soloq and i dont see how can lfg be better tbh

I thought solo shuffle dps was a timesink to push but keys really are a bit of a black hole.

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Oh for sure, I remember the community hating on dungeon ques back in Wrath correctly predicting what can of worms that was opening.

But I rather rage against the dying of the light, than slip quietly into that dying night.

My list is full for LFG arenas…U must be on oceanic?

ask yourself an honest question and answer it honestly. when was the last time you had FUN in an arena??

for the first ten years or so that i played this game pvp was fun. as ive gotten older and taken breaks…every time i come back pvp is less and less of a desired type of gameplay for basically the entire playerbase. i only played a little in the last few expansions…but ive always been basically nothing but a pvp player.

every single person on my friends list hasnt logged in in over a month. all of them for the same reason. IT ISNT FUN ANYMORE.

the level of sweat you have to be willing to endure to make it anywhere in arena is absolutely not worth it to almost everyone who plays the game. there are a few handfuls of people left who wont let it go…

lets be honest. who the heck wants to log into a game where you have to spend literally hours upon hours setting up multiple addons that you basically have to code yourself or download templates from other people and completely basically build yourself a new game to understand whats going on…on top of that you need macros and you have to be good at …and not just good at but a MASTER at keybinding. you have to know something in the neighborhood of 50-100 abilities, how long they last, whos casting them and who they are casting them on…you also need to know the counter to all of those abilities and you usually have somewhere in the neighborhood of 1 second or less to cast them or you auto lose.

next, we have the cheaters/botters…new players run out and get stunlocked into a silence and are dead inside of 10 seconds in gear they just spent weeks or longer aquiring…you have healthbars going from full to next to zero in one go…healers dont wanna deal with this.

then we have a ranking system that couldnt be explained by a team of m.i.t. researchers to make it make sense. arenas…are absolutely a vile and rotten experience for anyone who cares about enjoying their time. they are dying because they should…they suck.

I have fun all the time in arena when have people to play with, arena itself is very unique and there is no other game like it. But sadly its held hostage inside of a PVE mmo and balancing and class design are evolved around it. Which in return makes it more bloated for arena/pvp itself. I enjoy arena because its honestly the most fun game I have ever played. I have wished for years that blizzard would make a stand alone arena game that you could just log on and play. No gearing, no bullcrap just play arena, and design/balance the game towards arena itself. Obviously that is never going to happen so i continue to play the game. I 100% agree the amount of effort and junk you have to learn/setup could be way better but thats just how it is. All of that being said is it sucks that all of that is whats turning players off from the game and it blows.

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ive been a huge fan of a standalone system for many years…if they ever did that id be right back in arenas with a massive smile…probably would never log into retail ever again tbh.

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yea its a no brainer to do it… and it would bring in so many new players in

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