Sacrosanct Crusade Cannot Crit Heal

During The War Within Beta they had implemented a nerf to Sacrosanct Crusade that removed its capability to Critically Heal.

I was just curious if there were any other classes with heals that “Does not critically heal”.

I feel this is something to consider have undone for it would continue to make Templar as viable as Herald.

I understand that tomorrow we are getting Herald buffs but I still cant fathom why they would put another restraint on Paladin.


Warriors, Demon Hunters, Rogues, Hunters, Warlock* and DK’s heals can crit. Except for maybe self-Death Coil and Mend Pet?

*The damage of Drain Life can crit, but not its “healing”.

Interesting, didnt know that thanks for the info

It is my understanding that any heal based on attack or spell power can crit, but heals that are a fixed health percentage cannot.

Sacrosanct is a percentage based heal so it really wouldn’t make sense for it to crit.

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