Can I get some Lua expertise on this EU question?
The spellbook item buttons including flyouts don’t initialise until the spellboook has been opened.
Easy check, if you
/run print(SpellBookItemMixin)
and get nil, the book hasn’t been opened.
If I remember correctly, the flyouts were a bit janked which caused Bartender to create their own but I don’t know if this was fixed at some point.
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The action bar replacement I use (Dominos) seems to support flyout buttons, but I also can’t remember if that’s because they wrote their own implementation or because Blizzard implemented support.
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Yeah, looks like it’s Blizz’s fault.
opened 11:47PM - 13 Oct 22 UTC
High Priority
In 10.0, the SpellFlyout_Toggle `direction` attribute is ignored for secure butt… ons using the "action" type, because it is overriden in the `isActionBar` case, which is always set for secure buttons.
This breaks the ability to control the flyout direction for any actionbar addons, as setting `isHorizontal` is also not possible due to taint (and would also limit to only 2 of the 4 directions)
Ideally, the entire `isActionBar` and `actionBar.isHorizontal` check should be removed, and the existing `direction` attribute used to control it even for the default UI bars. This sort of special casing instead of using the established mechanism to control the direction is just going to cause headaches all over.
A simpler option, if the default UI is not using the `flyoutDirection` attribute, the `isActionBar` check could only be used if the `direction` parameter is unset/empty, to provide a default value, but not overriding any user-specified value?
Reproduction example:
(Requires a character with the Dragonriding Flyout in its spellbook, a template char on the beta works)
/run b = CreateFrame("CheckButton",nil,UIParent,"ActionButtonTemplate,SecureActionButtonTemplate")b:SetPoint("CENTER")b:RegisterForClicks("AnyUp","AnyDown")b:SetAttribute("type","flyout")b:SetAttribute("spell",229)b:SetAttribute("flyoutDirection","LEFT")
Clicking the generated button should show the flyout, to the left. Currently, it errors.
Tested on
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That’s what I remember. It just seemed strange something like that wasn’t fixed yet.