Please spawn the Sabertron quest more frequently.
Much, MUCH more frequently.
Maybe even once a month.
Or… this is probably crazy, but how about even twice per month?
I will get the gnome to bake some coffee flavored cookies.
I will get the troll to put on a special toe-wiggling display.
I will get Kirk to write a poem, on a topic of your chosing.
I will tell the floozy elves to dance on mailboxes in their tankinis.
I don’t know what else I can offer.
But what if he spawned it less often instead to really instill that feeling of accomplishment when it’s done!
the only way it could spawn less often, is if it was removed from the rotation entirely.
it’s been a couple of months since i’ve seen it.
i check every day.
i only need one.
i’ve only needed one since BFA was current.
it’s RNG on top of ridiculous RNG… can’t even try if it doesn’t appear.
At this rate, the Sabertron won’t assemble until some time around 2028.
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Don’t think I’ve seen it more than once this entire expansion. Jesus I’m never gonna finish that achieve.
The “have…have we met?” of bfa.
It’s worse. At least you could get other people to hop on to start that quest and possibly get you one of the missing NPCs. This… this is much worse.
much… much worse.
i was able to complete the “have we met” achievement within its current expansion (without needing to cheese it)
We’re now 2 expansions past Sabertron being current content, and I’d be interested to see what percentage of accounts have completed this achievement at this point.
So, completely forgot about this one… back to the valley I go!
Fiiine then.
thank you for your service
Today is the day I praise the RNG lords.
Not only did the quest appear, it appeared with the “right” color kitty.
…all of that waiting… for a measly 5 nerd points
i totally got that warm fuzzy feeling when the achievement popped