Saberon as a potential Allied Race

Ok, but only if I get to name mine “Pinocchio”

Sounds good to me. I’ll make cookies.


Every MMO prior has a cat race. May as well follow suit if we’re not gonna get snake people.


I actually want to have Playable Cat People on the Alliance. Having Cat People like Tigers, Lions, Panthers, and Leopards, would be awesome to see as a race.

Plus I’m alot people of a cat person.


First, sorry about replying to whole thing, and if I add too many messages in here… Afraid I don’t know how to get multiple quotes like you just did with your own post <_<

Second, I imagine that it’s certainly possible, and I REALLY like that idea if I’m being honest. Plus, there are so many ways you can edit their culture, we’ve seen at least four saberon who are friendly to players. Three of which are followers, and one a quest giver in… Gorgrond?? (Someone please correct me if I’m wrong there) but if I’m not mistaken the guy has you kill ogres for a trophy or something. I’m already way off point lol, BUT YES, from what I’ve seen from screenshots, and a video, Ogron had escaped with the Orcs. But back to point, the barrens last we saw, were… well barren, and Garrosh didn’t help with the meat that could be hunted there. However that doesn’t mean all game went bye bye, so I’d imagine that the Botani (sorry if I butchered that spelling) would take over an area that they deem is lacking in nature looks at the barrens or to drive out a threat, be it alliance, horde, whatever. But let’s imagine for a second, a full out war between the botani, and saberon… How do you think that would go story wise? (In a way that would lead to us getting the saberon as an allied race)
I’m sorry to say I’ve forgot what else I was gonna say


At this point, I wish Saberes could be a new playable race planned by Blizzard for warcraft.
I don’t care what faction it is. It would be good for the alliance but if it is impossible to do for the alliance (which it always seems to be because some races seem too good to be imagined for ally) then just raise them in the Horde.


You just highlight some of the text you want to quote and a little box pops up saying quote and you hit it. You can keep doing this to add more as you’re typing.

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Sadly this is true, but honestly I was running it through my head how it could work for us getting them as an allied race. What if with the covenants, since it wouldn’t really make sense to have those who have jobs in the afterlife to work for a faction gave us a choice to choose to like, bring back a member of a certain race, and then we get a quest to recruit that person’s people… Like if we brought back a saberon <_< It’s a stretch yeah, but think it’d be interesting. Another idea, upcoming expansion, might have something to do with the light, and if the army of the light, both AU Draenor, and/or the one we know personally in Legion, became evil and went on a crusade on azeroth. Noth only would this be an expansion, it would promote the idea of revamping some, if not all of the world, at least Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor. If that were to happen, imagine the possible stories that could open up, we could recruit the saberon, botani, saurok (might have butchered some spelling there) or even other races like the bird people -who I’m not even going to attempt to spell since I know I wont spell it right lol- BLIZZARD, if you’re reading this take notes or something!

Thank you, makes this alot easier man!


Just unlocked the Mag’har the other day, and I can confirm that Ogron, Ogres, Botani, and Saberon do escape with em.


Yes it would be perfect!

Sabre-Kittys and Worgen would rip each other apart. Dog & Cats, the never ending war.
And Sabre-Kitties would eat all the Gnomes.


Yeah, cats are definitely my second choice for playable race, right behind lizards/sethrak.


Ye ye ye, also when you say lizards do you mean the Saurak might have mispelled that the lizard guys in MoP? If so, YES, them and Saberon are definitely imo two of the most bad you know what word comes after this :stuck_out_tongue: races I’d love to see as an allied race.

Off subject, and this is more towards the RPers here. Even if we don’t get those races mentioned earlier in this, we can still rp as them. Might be a little harder for saberon though, since as of this moment I have yet to find a single one I can use the Glyph of Disguise on (none of them have pockets, so can’t pick pocket to turn into em). HOWEVER, what I started to do is just use the Hellfire saberon helm (or you can use the PvP leather helms if you’d prefer, OR the toy with prisms to extend the time) to show “Hey I’m a saberon.” on my orc, or just leave my worgen the way it is… Cause the helm looks wonky on em. However, Sethrak and Saurok, you’re good, you can pickpocket most of them from what I remember! :smiley:

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I’m still very much in support of playable Saberon, regardless of what faction they would join. I feel like there is a lot of potential in terms of customization options and even storyline opportunities. It would also add some more flavor in the playable race department! :tiger:

If you’re interested in playable Saurok, I operate the Saurok megathread here to support them as a playable Horde race:

Always happy to see other Lizardmen race fans! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


I’ll have to check it out man, although personally I prefer saberon… But the Saurok are definitely the second pick. Truth be told I don’t mind them being either, if not both factions… Just gimme my cool lizard and cat people. O_O


I would like to see Saberon as a Allied Race neutral. Would be cool to see Panthers, Tigers, and Leopards on the Alliance side.


My new race thread, answers all of the questions asked by OP.


Lore, take it I could also discuss some homebrew lore that could possible fit for the saberon as well <_< Won’t give all the details but I’ll explain some of it

I’d play Saberon only if /sleep made them pull out a big cardboard box and curl up in it.

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yes, YES, YES