S4 M0 brick wall intentional?

So people can learn in heroic where gear rains from the sky and it carries them but, people can’t learn from mythic with a scaling difficulty under the same conditions? Seems like absolutely horrible logic there.

But has it? There are so many options now to get gear, Heroics was almost ignored by many players in their work towards M+. We have crafting and upgrading of crafted gear, the Catalyst, the world bosses, World quests - the game has been giving more options for upgrading than ever before to the point where Heroic dungeons have been marginalized. And you mention players who dont know how to play their class, and the game caters to them by providing gear outside the classic ‘group activity’ game mode.

Really, there is no bar anymore to M0 and beyond except for the challenge it offers. And isn’t that what M+ is supposed to be, a challenging playstyle?

MP isn’t bad. There is no timer you can take your time. And yes if you fail mechanics you will die. Did a RLB m0 we wipe a few times on the 2nd boss coz the 2 Dps don’t move out of bed stuff and don’t do mechanics and tanks doesn’t know where to tank the boss but afterwards is all good.

It take works but totally doable.

“The curve is gear. Spam heroics until youre 475+”
I’m 497; I completed all keys at 20 last season.
I just finished a +3 Nelth at 10 minutes behind time.
I’ll type this slowly, so you understand…

I returned to the game for Season 4 after a long hiatus. I came back with around 400 ilvl in gear.

Thankfully TBC Timewalking was available, and I was able to do this very easily for some catch-up gear, as Timewalking squishes your level. I did this and a few DF heroics to jump from 400 ilvl to around 470 ilvl very quickly.

At around 470 ilvl I decided to jump into M0 as a healer, and I did feel the jump in difficulty from heroics. The difficulty seems to mostly just be that the boss mechanics in M0 actually need to be taken seriously, unlike in heroics where you can just brute force your way through most mechanics.

There were some trash mob pulls and bosses where a lot of unavoidable AoE damage really required me to press all my buttons to keep the party healthy, but this got easier and easier with each gear upgrade from M0s.

I’m now at around 490 ilvl from a week of doing M0s and I think I feel comfortable enough to get into M+. Overall, I think the challenge and rewards from M0 is a good change. Mechanics need to be taken seriously otherwise they one-shot you most of the time, and any struggles with throughput gets easier with gear upgrades.


Who said they cant learn?

They just have to gear up to the level of mythic to survive long enough to learn

Im 502 and doing 10s. You may be able to handle mythics, but you probably had a group of people who thought this season 3 = last season 3

Ok. I stopped at 20s last season and routinely time+3 keys 4 and above now. The lowest keys are the hardest because droolers in there can’t handle simple mechanics like interrupting or dispelling or outdpsing a tank. They don’t belong in M+ at all. They belong in 0s or below.

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Blizzard’s motive is to allow you to gear more casually in timewalking/heroics at your own pace, and use M0’s as a sort of small-group endgame content for casuals, sort of akin to high end dungeons in old WoW, where you had to learn what certain enemies did and deal with them in some way. By creating a barrier to entry, but ensuring there is no timer, Blizzard is putting more casual people into a situation where they can tackle the challenge at their own pace, spec into hard CC’s and use kiting strategies and do things in a more planned-out way if they need to, while still offering nearly top-end rewards to these people for doing so (hero-track gear in vault). If you find the content too challenging, you may just not be properly geared for it yet. It’s pretty easy to spam heroics until you’re fully kitted out in Veteran gear, and that Veteran gear can be upgraded further, and combined with crafted and bullion/awakened and LFR gear, in order to reach a more than good place for going after M0 dungeons.

The specific removal of the “smooth transition,” I think, was intentional in order to give this content the feeling of endgame progression for the people who don’t want to go into M+ due to the timer and anxiety reasons especially.

A lot of words to say you swapped characters for a contrarian post bruh.

The other one hasn’t missed posting for months so I’m going to press X on this well written story.

Thats cause you’re bad lmao


Really? That’s your conclusion?

Welcome to the ignore list!

Curious to know how many people were doing +10s and feel that the new m0 is too hard. Maybe it’s because you don’t need to grind all lower levels of M+ and that it’s now more accessible to get there that you hit a wall faster.

Also for sure S4 dungeons are way harder than S3, S3 was the easiest season of all time so there’s also that happening.

I get people missing the learning curve but to have done +2 to +10 in other season you weren’t really punished really hard usually for missing a mechanic till +9s.


Yes, that is my conclusion, because you’re an alt and if it wasn’t obvious from the post then checkpvp confirmed it.

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Personally i really enjoy mythic zero now and have been running it on alts ranging from 450-480. I like that we have untimed dungeons that actually require you to do the mechanics. And thats the big thing they just require you to do the mechanics.


I haven’t even bothered playing the game for a week now so haven’t tried m0 but reading the comments it’s clear who blizzard is designing said content for. It’s also a gear thing as you get better gear said content will get easier and easier until you faceroll it. Blizzard isn’t very good at balancing things for the majority of players it either tends to be too easy(TW) or way too hard. Rarely is it anything in between those two.

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Being accountable to halfway learn to play your class and halfway learn dungeon mechanics. That’s expecting a lot from a lot of players.

Sorry I’m behind in the back-and-forth mini argument you’re having with Grizzle, but I have a question: what’s your argument – that +3 is too difficult compared to S3 13-14s? or that players who reach +3 aren’t properly equipped for it either in gear or in skill level by the content that came before?

If nothing else, the “welcome to ignore list” would confirm it. Theres about 4-5 people whos MO is ignore everyone who disagrees

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I dont think its intended to brick but there is suppose to be a difficulty increase, not only did we get the 0=10 but its also post season curve of about 30% more. The brick is likely from dragonflight dungeons themselves being familiar but mechanically tedious and it coming off a pretty easy season.

When next expansion roles around and everyone’s getting used to the new dungeons at the same time, the rebalance will probably feel pretty good; heroics will be useful for more than a week, players can do delves or mythic 0s for normal raid equivalent gear in a low stress environment(no group for delves, no timer or affix for 0s), and 5’s will probably be the only dead key (has an extra affix but still gives wyrm equivalent crests).

Think the only real problem is heroics should have a bit more health; had a brand new player join and was trying to gear them/teach them some of the basic boss mechanics in heroic before we started mythic, but everything kept dying before they got the chance to see them.

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