S4 Elite Sets - Bugged or am i missing something?

Hey all, it looks like warlocks are going with their S2 elite sets. I missed out on S2 as a warlock so I should be getting the elite set with rating increases, however I am not.

I have the full S3 set.

I am wondering if I am missing something - should I winning the S2 sets, or s3s as I climb rating?


the s4 gladiator armors, elite sets, and weapons are all the same as season 3.

s4 sets are just s3 sets until further notice

Blizz potentially forgor

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So only PVErs are getting the chance to re-earn sets? That seems very silly


next expansion you’ll probably be able to buy the ensembles from all seasons with marks of honor. just not the elite recolor.

Welp, if there’s no new sets this season, and we can’t earn the previous one, and the weapon illusion looks like the morning after a nasty night of overindulging on Taco Bell, then there’s no reason to PVP this season - Cheers all

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