S4 Destruction Warlocks, how we feeling?

I personally LOVE the Dimensional Rift with Cataclysm and Channel Demonfire playstyle.

Really sad to see it go. I haven’t got the new 4 piece yet obviously but the new build is kinda boring, like 3 less cool fun buttons to push ;(


I’m sure the mass AoE numbers will have some upsides and inflate some things, but I know I’ll miss the funnel from Rift and the ease of DoT spread from Cataclysm. The CDF factor was kinda meh for me anyways compared to just juicing Immo duration and damage, so while it did more damage, I don’t really care about losing that spell.

This season we will live and die by the AoE deathball with 0 movement from the mobs/tank.

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wish my pets would live for longer then 2 seconds in raid

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and for some reason it posted using my classic toon

Unless they’re standing in something they shouldn’t, there’s no real reason for you pet to take any damage in Raids.

I know pets are weird and glitchy on some of the fights like sennarth, but I haven’t had pets die really outside of that

Thers a bunch of bugs.

All 4 warlocks on terros had pets die 3 times. I went destro just because even the Felguard was dying

That is weird. Was that an issue during S1 or a new bug that was introduced?

I never had this issue when I was raiding on lock in VoTI. in season 1.

probably has to do with pathing as the pets stand in the first triangle pie.

I was considering going 3 min Destro and moving a point into sac

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Yeah, that was never an issue that I encountered in S1 either, but I don’t play demo generally, so I wasn’t sure if it was a known felguard thing. Sennarth still definitely made my pets get wonky though.

It was happening as destro too. I went destro just because I didnt want to hardcast a new pet.

I will forever hate that fight.

Trying to pug Heroic Raszageth was fun. Gave up Mortal Coil for Howl of Terror to help get the first CC for Sparks and then eventually dropped Soul Fire for Grimoire of Sacrifice because the Felpuppy kept dying to “Who Freaking Knows What But Now I Don’t Have Him For The Second Interrupt On My Spark And It’s Panic Time.™” Soul Fire was honestly feeling clunky on that fight due to the cast time anyway, especially since I got Belor’relos from he TWing weekly box so my opener was “long cast on this then spend time running trying to get the trinket off without getting hit by lightning.”

I also did eventually ignore what guides said and gave up the S3 tier set bonus entirely even though I only had 2pc of S4 because I had enough gear in my bags to get my ilvl average up by 10 points and all of them were tier slots.

Soulfire isn’t even in the builds right now lol

Damnit WoWHead lied to me! I know it’s my fault for using them but I completely forgot Subcreation (or whatever it’s changed due now) exists since I took a break about halfway through S3. Or is there something new/better to use now? I’m outta the loop most of the time anyway TBH.

Archon is the new subcreation. It merged with warcraft logs.

Kalamazi is one I would watch his guides. Always lots of solid information.

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