S4 arms war damage is pretty low

War feels not impactful, we all know wars have the worst utility toolkit and that is okay maybe for the class fantasy a dummy that only knows how to rush in battle but at least give wars something to compensate for the lack of impact it has over the pvp meta game, I played several solo shuffles and most of the classes outperformed my dmg done ,Devoker and Palas do about 50% more overall dmg, in that game pala was sitting around 15m total dmg for the round devoker close to 14m and my war barely scratching 10m, fotm forever it seems.


It is imperative we remember at all times that the myth of c%ster weakness in pvp that the morally reprehensible agents of the Big W%rlock propaganda machine so readily perpetuates is nothing more than a carefully designed and orchestrated psyop by Big W%rlock to shoehorn c%sters into a position of extreme relative strength in the first season of an expansion (which hasn’t happened at the beginning of an expansion since Wrath) thereby making the power gap between C%sters and Melee even more staggering in C%ster favor at the end of the expansion, which we are currently experiencing.




wait wait, let him cook, i wanna hear what he thinks is better and what he thinks is worse.


Devoker and ret are broken, ofc compared to them you feel weak.

If you wanna know what spec do 0 dmg try sp, legit doing same number than last season xD

So far I’ve noticed bm hunter demo lock and dh, ret doing high dmg atm.

Everyone is more tanky because we’re rocking 40% vers and don’t have tier bonuses yet


Sp is doing 150k dps every game u are delusional brother


Show me a proof, I wanna see it.

Yeah, you’re cooked if you actually think SP does no damage.


Arms damage isnt low rn its actually good im going to admit it. Low damage is either you pumping into defensives or your teammate dying before you can kill the other guy lol

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I didn’t try 3s for now, only 2s and so far the number I do is same than last season.

Idk hard to believe 150k dps is possible, except if you aoe dot and hit pets maybe.

I’m sure with 4set and max haste + mind trauma it’s gonna be good with multi dot build.

Unnerf avatar, warbreaker, martial prowess and executioners precision then maybe arms will do some damage!


I think you mean FIRE BREATH :fire: :dragon_face:

yeah everything feels absurdly tanky on ww too rn.
like doing full burst serenity rotation, doing piss dam it feels like

Dont forget add in conq banner



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I’m psure SP is both nuts right now and was nuts last season


warriors have the best toolkit in the game. aside from rogues


2 days into the season, full greens, no tier, 40%+ verse, more stamina, no gems etc

“Omg I dont do as much dam as last season :scream_cat:

Y’all are so annoying


Stop enabling him!

Embrace it.