S3 TBC Arena

S1 gear for honor.

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Yeah. Blizzard really messed up with pvp. They lost so many customers because of how they handled it. They virtually killed casual arena play. The sad thing is they don’t even seem to realize it’s losing them customers to make arena/pvp such a grind.


I’m concerned about S3 arena because the S1 gear will require the honor grind again. Who wants to grind out 220k honor to compete? Same thing hurt S1 arena originally.

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You can bank over 100k honor with marks and 75k cap. 1 AV weekend you can get 50k more honor.

It’s not that bad of a grind, you can be done in 2 weeks.

Honestly TBC arena would’ve made people quit regardless

You can only have so many stuns resist or spells resist before you stop caring and play something else. TBC arena in general is just terrible and unfun


Most people don’t view the BGs/arena as worth the trouble vs raiding. I think the balance finally evens out with S3 though. At this point, S1 purples are on the honor vendor for new players and raid difficulty is high enough to justify seeking alternate gear. But if you are already plowing all content, it seems silly to take 4 or 5 weeks to penny crunch up enough for 1 slot of gear.

Rather raidlog than getting killed by 1400 rated hardstuck rogue/mage teams.

havint to play for a billion years for an piece of hear is terrible design
0 rating makes it harder to go up and people dont like difficult things
rating requirement is fine as for current season gear

Played at your mmr last night and fought like 11 different teams… but then again it was Monday night.

Look, I am no arena pro, I like to think I am an above average PvP’er, but Arenas as they are currently designed with the new changes are simply TOO exclusive; and I mean exclusive to the extreme, and I cannot emphasize this point enough.

Let me give you some perspective, rival is top 10%, duelist is top 3%, and gladiator is top 0.5%. In order to qualify for a weapon, you need to be in the 10% and to get shoulders you need to be ~top 3% (last season it was worse).

Now, you have a lot of people who stepped into arenas for the first time and got curb stomped at 0 rating, well those people see that they are not getting any points because they have 0 rating and quit so all the casual players are gone from arenas. Now all that is left is the sweatties. So with no casual playerbase, you end up with the sweattiest players competing for titles and rating to get the shoulders/weapon as the entire bottom half of the bell curve has been cut off.

The rating system being used only works well if you have a casual player base so that the skill level of the players can fit to a nice bell curve. The way the original TBC devs managed to keep the average and bad PvPers playing was to start the ratings at 1500 so even if they were losing, they could still accumulate points and get gear that they wanted. Yes, there were some naked AFK’ers who would just purposefully lose to get minimum points each week, and yeah, that sucks that people wont try, but those people were few and far between and it was much better to at least try and win a few games so you could get more points each week instead of the minimum.

With the current implementation of arenas, I only see the playerbase dropping off more and more as they realize they will never get above 1500 rating as they do not have the time to invest in learning all the comps and/or improving or are simply just not skilled enough. Keep in mind the average rating right now is somewhere between 1200 and 1300 rating and it will take 4 weeks to get chest and another 4 weeks to get head piece, so they see the writing on the wall and just quit. Add to this that some classes are just not good at all in arenas and stand no chance of ever getting a high rating. The top of TBC arena will be dominated by priest, rouges, mages, and druids because those classes are just stronger from a balance perspective because TBC is a figured out game.


They adjusted the points curve so that the point amounts are similar to the old 1500 at 0 rating, but I agree with what you’re saying. It’s still a long climb to get any gear. It’s a bit more manageable if you’re looking at buying the previous season gear at this point. I feel like moving those to honor would have made more sense though.

I don’t really get why people are so upset about the 0 rating thing. They fixed point gain so that should be an irrelevant issue. The only other problem I can think of with it is that creating new teams takes a little longer to get up to your proper rating, but you win like 96 rating or something with every win early on so you get up to 1k+ really really fast.

Is there some other issue with it that I’m not understanding?

tbc honor grind is terrible. They need to make pvp rep gear available at honored and increase honor gains.

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When my 3s team was first created at the start of season 2, we went 15 and 2 the first week. Under the old system that would put me at ~1700 rating, giving us 720 points for the week, but instead, we were not even 1500 rating and got 500 points instead, so basically my team got screwed out of 220 points. So ya, it blows! I hate it! My team ever since then has gone about 50/50 win/Loss with slighly more wins than losses, and we still cannot break 1500 rating.

At current rate, it takes me 4 weeks to get 1 piece of gladiator gear.

What makes you think you would go 15-2 in a 1500 base rating system if you can’t break 1500 after reaching it in the 0 base rating system?

Also, even if you reached 1700 in a rating system that starts you at 1500 you would be earning a similar number of points in theory because they boosted point gains to make up for the fact that you start at 0.

Because under the old system, you had a slow drip of rating inflation as teams with a lot of losses would disband and re-form in the hopes of maybe winning more than losing and getting to around 1600 rating for more points. If they lost and fell back down to 1400 rating, they would disband and reform again. Getting to 1850 under the old system was not NEARLY had difficult as it is now. You could even be pretty casual and with a bit of skill and knowledge of comps, get to 1850 rating and at least qualify for the weapons.

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Interesting this argument makes sense. Also starting at 0 interacts negatively with rating requirements I assume

We know that the median rating is lower because of Challenger being below 1500, so there is some truth to the idea that it’s harder to get to X rating now, even if they have adjusted the points curve.

I do agree the rating should start at 1500 just for the sake of letting people reroll for more points (even though they did adjust it). It also keeps the bottom floor much higher.

Rating requirements are probably too high on gear as well. On Live there are over 1000 people in 3’s above 2546 rating (who knows how many past 2400). This is the gladiator cut off. Currently in 3’s TBC the cutoff is 2280 and there are only 44 teams (132 people). TBC is AT LEAST 10x less populous in arena then live is and gear/rating need to reflect this.

That’s kind of why I’m hoping S3 inflates rating a bit with just more general participation when everyone’s alts can have full S1 gear.

get a belt and chicken and then you hard counter them

grats on the free rating