S2 final 2 legacy dungeons revealed - TOP and Workshop

Remove Darkflame cleft minecart section with candles.

Change workshop to something else.

Change theatre of pain to something else.

Bare minimums.


It really wasn’t. Spires of Ascension is the worst dungeon ever made and it was in the same expansion.

It was not ToP, it was Spires of Ascension. ToP was really bad dungeon but Spires of Ascension was on next level of bad dungeon. Many people listed Spires of Ascension for top 3 worst dungeons of all time. I listed Spires of Ascension as top 3 worst M+ dungeon of all time and ToP as top 10 worst M+ dungeon.

Spires of Ascension was a classic example on how you don’t design M+ dungeon like Spires of Ascension.

With both Fort and Ty in play for ToP, it’s a chance for Blizzard to actually properly tune the trash and boss health to be reasonable for the timer.

My confidence in them doing so isn’t that high though considering how every other legacy dungeon has gone in M+ thus far.

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As much as I think tuning has been off at the beginning of each season, I think they deserve credit for the adjustments made to bring them in line. On top of bug fixes to correct serious problems they’ve also done significant adjustments like removing the slam on last boss of SB, retuning Stitchflesh and made some undocumented changes to prevent certain trash mobs from casting priority spells immediately or synching with other deadly damage events.

Mists is still fun, even though we’ve been there a lot. SB is very fair if you just handle mechanics and even GB is pretty chill if you don’t make too many mistakes.

In reality the new dungeons are far more demanding and I rank CoT, AK and sometimes SV as my least favorite dungeons to heal because there so much forced movement during high damage moments. I’m looking at you, Coaglamation.

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I feel like on Coaglamation, during the pulse aoe phase (the only threatening part), it’s so critical the healer is in a spot to NOT soak an orb so they can plant and heal the insane aoe while dps also make sure to their defensive/self healing.

Soaking an orb is almost a death sentence since you then have to move and unless you have a big aoe heal on the move (<3 revival) somebody is dying.

I hate dungeons with double magic dispel bosses on principal. Doesn’t help that two out three wings in top are also not fun, magic zone with no room to move and dodging and interrupting I wasn’t fond of, but even more then that I disliked the miniboss gauntlet which wasn’t hard but took forever ending in player vs totem the boss fight.

Oh great, looks even worse than this season.

WTB Deadmines/SFK M+

More than Grimrail? I personally liked it, but I remember all the complaining about camera boss.

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Imagine having workshop last boss without a prot pally to spellward and sac you. Blizzard surely knows how to promote prot pally.

One of the very few bosses where it’s mega important DPS pop something during that pulsing for the damage is insane and appropriate to yell at them if they fail at that.

And yeah healer absolutely needs to use a big boy cd sometimes two for it. You can’t slog through it.

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Forced RP between each platform, mobs that were godawful with every affix, and to top it off, a gimmick vehicle mechanic on the final boss which was bugged for the entire expansion and would brick your key any time someone with high latency tried to fire the spear.

This in general is a large factor in whether I like or hate a dungeon. It’s why I dislike Court of Stars, which pains me to say since I think its aesthetics are amazing.

It contrasts heavily with the original Deadmines, which now pops up in classic timewalking. Remember when a boss just sat there and you pulled it? None of this unskippable dialogue nonsense before it? Good times.