S2 1/8H 8/8N <Vermilion> Tues/Thurs 730-930 CST M+ Guild LF Healer

Bump it up!!

Send it on up!

bumo it up

My husband and I are looking for a raid team to be a part of. We are currently mid 590s and working up to 600’s through weekly quests and delves. I play a demo warlock and he an enhance shaman. We are non drama low maintenance couple. I’m social and love hanging out on discord chatting and he will do the same but only listen (not a talker) :slight_smile: Well look forward to hearing from you. Take care!

BNET: Ismeldei#1129

Bump it up

Always looking to add more, casuals welcome to join too!!

Bump it on up

My current raid schedule isn’t working well with real life stuff, so I’m looking to raid a little earlier in the night. Your raid times work perfectly for me. What are you in need of? I’m a little behind in gear atm (because rl interfered with raid), but can level and gear what is needed. I’ve reached out to Shift on discord.

still need range dps

Need heals

Bumping on up!!!

bump it up

Send it on up!!

Still looking. Love to add a healer or 2

need a tank as well

Send it on up!

Bump it up!

bump it up

Merry Christmas! Bump it up!

bump it up