S2 1/8H 8/8N <Vermilion> Tues/Thurs 730-930 CST M+ Guild LF Healer

Still looking for more

need more dps

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Still need a hunter or arms warrior?

Hello Rendrae- We would love to have a Hunter! Reach out to us and we can talk some more!

Shift: @shift7587
Killpop: @killpop9932

Hunter reporting in, I am interested in joining can you add me? Archus#1893

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Love to add another healer!

whats your previous prog/future plans looking like

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Would love to add a monk and dh to the group

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I sent a discord friend request your times work great but I have 3 other friends with me and would love to talk to you about potential spots we have 8/8 normal and 1/8 heroic experience with the new raid.

Still looking for a Monk or DH or both!

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Not sure if interested in alliance at all but I am a fury warrior (606ilvl) cleared normal but havent attempted anything on heroic yet…have a tank offspec and willing to tank whenever although my tank ilvl is lower (around 598)

Prooff#1845 is my RealID…look forward to chatting

Send it up! Still recruiting

Still recruiting

Hello, I’m interested. Will reach out through discord as MpFromFriends

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