S+ tier specs

People seem to forget that the best eles & enhs are the best players by a very wide margin. They just clown on everyone, and no one likes playing against them.

I’d argue DH is on the same level as things like boomy, war, ret. Super easy to pick up, but incredibly hard to maximize at the top end.

What other WW even plays the game? Xueyu is playing d4, neighbors is listening to Brain Stew on repeat (love those guys), and nate was busy playing rogue and losing to you off cd as rogue/boomy.

Idk man, there was only one enh too, and saul was beating ppl up p good.

We all rerolled lol


Quit or playin good specs right

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lmao i like how people resort to this instantly, actually quite a few ppl are actively playing ww they just can’t climb as it that’s why you assume none play cuz u never see them.

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Nah, this isn’t some attempted “gotcha” I’m genuinely asking.
Who mains ww at a high level that plays the game still consistently? I think it’s just you and sometimes chun, ya?

I feel like you could say the same thing about outlaw rogue and enh too, though, and I think both those specs are insane.

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a lot of ppl main ww and q consistently, like i said no1 can climb on it cuz they arent good besides chun and some euros, not gonna name drop other ppl.

theirs literally 3+ enhances that q consistently at 2700+ and 3-5 outlaw rogues as well.

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I mean its obvious ww has problems with its kit

After years and numerous expansions of everyone “training the blue” you wanna lump us in as toxic… that’s laughable!

I mean shaman as a class just exists and disrupts then passively wins sort of like tank specs but favorably tuned

What he means is you’re right Nas.

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feral s tier…

Ye, Feral like S or S+ tier. :smiley_cat:

Elemental shaman is Top tier and I called it 2 months ago in a thread. Told everyone they should go make one. Glad I did. Free rating.

are u trolling? :joy:

He plays a feral and can’t make it work that’s why he’s laughing.

“id argue dh is more complex than both” uhh rude! There are tons of things way easier than DH now especially if you play Aldrachi… compare it to a BM or Fury warrior, how dare you use my class as an example of easy :rage: