That enh is easy. You’re just trolling with that. Honestly don’t trust a word you say.
Shaman comps in general have historically always been simpler than set up comps
enh and ele had the highest blizzcon rep until they started allowing addons and mage comps started winning
Turbo and l$d involve taking simple specs and winning by not losing with loose defensive and disruptive coordination
storm enh and ele in general are about as simple as it gets
id argue dh is more complex than both
it’s just significantly harder to utilize shaman utility than it is some other specs utility giving it a unique and fairly impressive skillcap for sure
(Totemic enhancement is one of the harder specs in pve to master but I wouldn’t say that translates perfectly to PvP in terms of output)
Alrighty then
Add Hpally and BM hunters to the mix.
Maybe you’re right, but honestly, I take what you say with a grain of salt.
I ran into two of those thunder comps tonight. Took one down, the other one zapped my healer in 1 hit.
That’s okay I will nurture you like the little plant you are regardless
Maybe if you get a better mog your opinion will be more valid.
it’s thematic (gorilla hands for ez ape spec enhancement)
assa and fdk switch places.
Ele is S+ tier and it isnt close.
aff is S tier.
frost mage is A or S tier
ww and sub rogue switch places
fury is S tier
Devestation is A tier
Dh is B tier.
Id bump up aff, shaman, ww, dh, and assa all a tier
Thinking ele is S tier in 2025 lol.
Try again, solid A tier spec. Where all specs should be.
Must be the PTSD from the meatball cannons we had 3 months ago.
I am not a well man.
I am not clever, or quick on my feet. I take time to assess, and often choose incorrectly based off data only I can reason through.
I’ve been on WoW since 04. I’ve never once rated anywhere past ~1600 on any of my characters. I click and I don’t have macros or keybindings or gladius or omni. I pause now and then to talk to my cat, I listen to distracting music, I tab target and I don’t bother with enchants or gems.
The other week I hit 1800+ with storm ele, by waiting for initial defensives to fall off then mashing ascension / stormbringer / lightning bolt.
It was about as simple as things could be. Snarf to your heart’s content but this was my experience.
Lifetime ele mains higher rating than you and me say the spec is S tier.
Ele shaman is S tier easily haha
Ele shaman is insane, why do you think it isn’t s tier?
Ele is S Tier right now, idk about Outlaw being the best spec over all , maybe I’m reading the list wrong
At the highest levels it definitely is.
nah sub rogue is A ww should be lower, ive seen 3 sub rogues above 2800 in the past 2 days only 1 ww (me)
damn ur above 2.8 now? did u take that guys advice?
Just didn’t q into feral aff or rogue aff