S+ tier classes still ridiculous

game’s dying cause no one wants to q into ele shaman, assass/outlaw, fury war, feral, hpal every game. literally can’t q into a game that doesn’t have at least one of these in it. On top of those specs being noticeably better than all the others, making alts only takes 1 day, so everyone just re-rolls to these god-awful designed specs. probably the most annoying season of WoW i’ve experienced in my life and i’ve been playing for 15 years.


No bm in ur list btw


they legitimately make shuffle feel so bad to play
every other healer its ok
against other healers, hpals only lose if they or one of their teammates throw

they’re the hulk iron man of wow

it may even be the case that it’s not that they need to be nerfed, imo they are fine in 3s. I think it’s just that their profile is really good in shuffle and it’d be nice if other healers had similar fallback strategies (ergo, cooldowns) for high dampening


forgot about aff lock doing insta cast chaos bolts all game


Idk about assa but outlaw yes. Ele shaman is very unfun to play against getting 100-0d on accident


assa is completely disgusting and should be gutted


Your Class Has Access To The Frost Death Knight Specialization, Even more disgusting.


Not my class but yea I do agree cringe reject spec


i was told on here that assa is fine because it dies in 3 go’s? meanwhile the assa im running into are yolo trinketing, cloaking, and vanishing and are still taking longer to kill than most classes

maybe they die in 3 gos if only the rogue is trading and tthe healer/other dps keyboards are unplugged

i just want them to do something about garrote silence and aoe shiv/how annoyingly strong their snares are…

Rogues earned all of their abilities bro. They need it fr

Idk, I feel like everything is p good rn.

Enh and ele are both insane.
Assa and outlaw are bananas, same with feral.

Sp, aff lock, demo, frost and arcane mage all great.

Boomy + rogue has broken damage and control.

Dev is really good too even though no one really plays it.

Bm is obviously crazy.

Fury is the strongest standalone melee.

Ww is immortal.

Fdk sets up and executes 3v0 kills

Ret has more get out of jail free cards than ever.

Feels like everything is S tier except, like, mm/surv/firemage/unholy dk/dh and even then most of those classes have really strong comps.


The best seasons are when resto Druids are good

I feel like the problem is the synergy of some comps is just straight up busted. Not class vs. class. Just certain comps, and that makes it very god damn annoying to try and have fun but when you start to feel annoyed, log out, save the energy for when you don’t care, and somehow rating goes back up.

This coming from a bloke who was queuing boomkin/sub 2v2 and waiting 1 minute before opening for earth ele to die, then losing anyway.

Yeah really fun play bro

To be fair Elemental Pets should not exist to begin with

Even though I love playing my rdruid, this is a super WRONG take.

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Don’t forget BM please.

wait, outlaw is good? O.o

It’s actually insane

only the good outlaws are good

the other outlaws doing sub rogue DPS at 300k are bad