/s macros broken as of oct 24th

i just use them for fun RP macros for my portals and a guild welcome so this sucks =/

as of midnight 28oct

This has been fixed!!

You sir/madam, are a liar. Still not working
Any word from the multi dollar compoony on this?

edit: tried the /run SendChatMessage(“My important message”, “YELL”); workaround… Oddly, it worked on 1 macro but not the other
worked on using my Soulstone on a person (item in bag) but not Ritual of Summoning (a spell), could b the difference? Still so weird. Thanks blizz.

i’m not a liar… the ones that i use are working … i dont know about your macros

i know i’m late to the party, but my macro i use to advertise my blacksmithing in trade starts with a /2 and has been throwing lua errors for some reason

All the /(channel) commands have been broken since reset. Removing the /(channel) fixes it, just gotta manually set your channel before hitting the button. :confused:

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