drops from Rygelon with the statement saying “A bleak reminder to worlds unworthy.”
also drops from Rygelon with the statement: “Prepare for my arrival.”
Il’gynoth and the Nathrezim mentioned “Our coming.” which means that Il’gynoth and Denathrius are tied to whoever is backing the Constellars and they are only wiping out life on Worlds because the Constellars’ masters have deemed them unworthy of killing Argus!
Algalon in otherwords was sent to ascertain whether or not we could kill Argus for Denathrius’s backers! Us succeeding confused Algalon’s calculations that insinuated that a Void-corrupted Planet would not defeat the Legion!
Now we know why Argus had Constellar Designates! They were working with the Nathrezim to begin with behind the Titans’ backs!
With that in mind it seems as if the Void has decided to stop delaying the inevitable and switched to the “kill Azeroth before Zovaal ritualistically sacrifices it to wipe out existence using his own Heart of Azeroth” plan.
Edit: Anyway of communicating to WoWhead that we need Rygelon’s Audio? It has great Lore importance just as Zovaal and the Nathrezim’s Audio does!
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This makes some sense to me.
That sounds like something people say at a “coming”, but it seems a thing of perspective.
One can say they are coming, but can they really speak for others?
Oh, come now. Are they really tied to such things. Their hallmark seems to be that they eschew ties outside of their own.
A presence… Something new, yet… Familiar. Yes…
Your coming was foretold in the rings. The long circle is nearly complete.
Come, little ones. Savor your fear as we feast upon it!
At the hour of her third death, she will usher in our coming.
The void lords all but welcome us with open arms. They are so preoccupied with their thousand truths that they ignore the lies we sow in their very midst.
I believe we can leverage their vast reach to position them as a foil against our other rivals.
We remain wary, though. Since they are observant of multiple outcomes, it is conceivable they could anticipate our coming.
Furthermore certain fans have noted that Il’gynoth resembles a Nathrezim… I.E. the guy has Bat Wings which is only seen on Bats, Dragons, Gargoyles and Nathrezim!
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I thought Rygelon was just the “Algalon” of the shadowlands.
Put in place by the First Ones to ensure that the realms of the Shadowlands do not fall victim to corruption.
While Maldraxxus is the army… if the realm were to be lost, Rygelon would come in and destroy it.
This opens up the possibility for the Devours and the shattered realms we see similar to Korthia.
Makes you wonder, if our Pantheon of Order was born into the realm of reality, without memory… why are their creations so similar to that of the First Ones?
Did Aman’thul know of Rygelon when he created Algalon??
Chronicle makes it clear that the Titans did not create the Constellars and simply allied with them with it being made clear that the Constellars are a mystery.
The fact that the Nathrezim’s chosen hammer to shut down the Arbiter turned into Constellars indicates that whoever created Rygelon had the Titans we know created for the Constellars goal.
From Enemy Infiltration - Preface:
We anticipate that certain of our targets will be more challenging to topple than others. But each is prone to manipulation in different ways, and our agents have already woven themselves into their very fabric.
This is, after all, the solemn duty for which you sired us. As you are fond of saying: Once a desire is understood, it can be exploited.
Enough prologue. Allow me to summarize our findings.
If the Nathrezim woven themselves into the very fabric of all 6 Cosmic Forces then it is not hard for the Nathrezim to ally with the Constellars or even become the Constellars and ally with the Pantheon of Order while appealing to their sense of Order!
Of course if the Constellars are allied with or even are the Nathrezim(given structure by Order) then the Titans mentioned in Enemy Infiltration - Preface are not the Titans we know of but Divine Beings bound to a Host Body by the First Ones!
Azeroth would be the only actual member of the Pantheon of Order placed into a Planet by the Constellars with the Titans we know of being Constellar Amalgamations imitating the Gods of Order known as the Titans.
What with WoW’s frequent comic book inspirations, I kinda feel liket the Constellars might be semi-inspired by the concept of the Watchers from Marvel Comics: a race of beings who are all about observing and recording the goings-on of the universe. A predisposition that would make them well-suited to the task of spending eons watching over the growth and stability of reordered planets. Just statistically the universe is likely full of empty worlds where nothing’s really happening, so making such an arrangement with the titans would ensure that instead of blindly wandering the Great Dark in search of things to observe and record, the Constellars would have a predictable source of lively planets where things would be getting interesting in the wake of their Reordering, especially when such planets turned out to have world-souls.
So Constellars who pop up in other realms like Helheim (Harbaron) and the Sepulcher of the First Ones (Rygelon) could be there because it’s in their nature to seek out interesting and/or cosmically significant places and occurrences, then hang around observing things to catalogue what happens. Which in those two cases would then seem to have resulted in them being captured and corrupted by Helya and Zovaal respectively, while Argus’ Constellar Designates could have been titan-appointed observers that were overpowered and forced into service when the Burning Legion overran the planets under their watch.
Xal’atath’s observation that she had thought Harbaron’s kind incorruptible could be indicative of some widely held belief that the Constellars are so fixated on their “role” as observers that nothing could distract or sway them from that task. A belief that may not be as true as was believed when someone sufficiently powerful gets his or her hands on them.
I am shooting my prediction shot here!
Constellars are the servants of the First Ones and are tied to this new Cosmic/Celestial force.
Why the Constellars can’t just be an alien race that the Titans enlisted to help with their mission is beyond me.
The Constellar’s masters are the Titans, they are supposed to be insusceptible to corruption.
Or like
Constellars = Constructs of Order born naturally of the “Titan’s End” of Reality, and develop that Infernals = Constructs of Chaos born naturally from the “Demonic End” of reality
But yeah, it does appear they’re retcon’ing Constellars to be servants of the First Ones in some tedious capacity
What about Harbaron? He’s presumably a corrupted Constellar.
At this point, who hasn’t been accused of being a Dreadlord?
Everyone is a dreadlord, from the smallest of Cockroaches to N’zoth. They are just bored and are trying to outwit each other.
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Not corrupted, willingly defected.
I got the impression that even Xal’atath was confused because Constellar are devoid of empathy, he must have been corrupted but Harbaron seems to have retained his free will and also somehow developed empathy.
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But if we’re dreadlords, than what are those dreadlords over in the corner doing? 
Depends on what one defines as corruption and the strength thereof:
Drawn to observe the fateful events unfolding within the Sepulcher of the First Ones, Rygelon succumbed to the Jailer’s domination.
As always, Blizzard says one thing and then immediately does the opposite.
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