R/wow Reddit

Just joined the subreddit and attempted to post a picture but couldn’t. I made a topic asking why I couldn’t post pictures to which someone replied “because you aren’t allowed to”.

If you go to the sub reddit, there are literally hundreds of people posting pictures.

Am I taking crazy pills?

Anyone who uses the reddit who can shed some light?

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i have no clue i never post on the wow subreddit but i have the option to post pictures on there

idk i stay away from reddit tends to be a massive echo chamber thats run by mods on power trips.


I do tend to find it funny when this argument is used because that’s really all any of the social media sites are.


not really to the extent the reddit is due to how the moderation system works.


Might want to look up how meta, and related companies, algorithms work. They do the work silently and in the background. So, while the reddit mods might be visible and easily identified I can assure you the results are ultimately the same. I’d argue they are even more insidious because you can’t see the algorithms working silently in the background moderating and regulating your content to coax more engagement and money, regardless of the source, from you.

no there not even close. reddit mods actively push out anyone that dont agree with them. no other site does that they might give nudges out the door but reddit pushes people off of cliffs.

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If you don’t even know the door exists, how do you know what you are missing out on?

Like I said the reddit mods are visible. The others keep their stuff in the background.

i will say tht reddit mods are very deserving of the reputation they have

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I don’t think it’s just the mods, it’s the regular users who do that.

They will decide something is true (especially when it makes blizzard look bad), and just downvote everyone who disagrees (even when their claim is verifiably false).

Update for anyone interested, I got perma banned for dropping an F bomb :smiley::+1:

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