RWF failure

What happened? Is wow not good anymore or what?

Usually when its rwf week day streamers for either guild would have at maximum (:slight_smile: ) 90k or higher views. now its just barely at 21k thats a huge chunk of people.

Is season 2 that bad?


It was never much of a spectator sport.


Or many people just don’t care about RWF… Plus it has already been exploited.


Why don’t you play and find out for yourself instead of basing things off Twitch viewer count.


It’s just another poster hiding on a Classic low level alt.
I just ignore them now.


I’ve been out of the loop, whats being exploited?

a guild got world first kill with the first boss kill and the final boss

Ive been real negative on this patch but the raid is great. I also care absolutely 0 about rwf or any streamer

This is the first tier where mythic hasn’t been released after a delay, right? That’s probably having an impact on the viewership, since a lot of folks are still on that week-one grind themselves rather than kicking back and watching streams.

I never cared about RWF, so I didn’t notice any change.

So, anyway, what’s everyone having for dinner?

No one wants to watch splits. Check in in 2 days


Do they usually have 90k viewers for normal/heroic splits? This is a good faith question, I never follow it. But heroic splits are super boring to me.

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What’s RWF?

it’s splits day. we don’t want to watch that. we like the good stuff.

It really is telling when a streamer guild doing 20 year old content gets triple the attention than RWF. That’s what Blizz gets for trying to turn raiding into an e-sport. No one cares.

“thanks to all who reported this” So they self snitched on themselves?

triple? Onlyfangs got 10x more viewerships than this Weak Aura infested Raid World First

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Oh look. An affro thread with “failure” in the title.

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race is already over. someone won with ‘creative use of game mechanics’

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