RWF - Don't turn Mental Health into a scapegoat

Theres that word again, STOP. Man, its like they don’t understand the word.

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Oh it’s getting better.



Will you marry me?

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Given how OP is like quint-dubling down on this so hard and even attacked (or just be unpleasant) somebody for not knowing what they are beforehand, i’m inclined to believe that OP does not understand that word themselves.

And i’m running out of likes. Blizzard! Oi!.. Love isn’t limited. :expressionless:

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That happens o me a lot when I visit the forums. I am posting on a different character to try to get out of the foruming habit (don’t judge), but I kinda wanna switch back to my main posting char.

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Since people can’t get back on topic, I will try at least once to bring this back.

This RWF wasn’t the most extensive and intensive.

Reddit post just shows that Tomb of Sargeras had more PULLs than the current tier (Sepulcher of the First Ones).

Method was the guild, but people who knows history know that raiders like Gingi, Fragnance and Deepshades were in Method.

They know how heavy a RWF can be.
They know it can get thought.

That is why Echo was a LOT more prepared to handle the pressure of this tier. That is why Echo supports Rise above the Disorder (non-profit organization that help people across the world with mental health care) and was raising funds during the RWF for it.

Echo was undeniably and unequivocally more prepared for the RWF, and that is why it wasn’t echo bowing down after losing the head of the competition, and it wasn’t Echo calling out to go home “to take care of their mental health”. Echo were always concerned about it, that is why they were better prepared.

Either Liquid thought they would faceroll through this tier and didn’t even prepare themselves for the marathon of 16h+ gameplay or they are not fit for it.

And speaking of it, i already posted on this thread that I support time/attempt limit on mythic bosses on early weeks of Mythic release to avoid raiders exhausting themselves just like Liquid (allegedly) did.

Yeah, what in the world was any of that comment that OP just made in that thread?? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

…And the thread text warping broke.

Please direct all further hate to this character.

None of what you posted changes anything.

Mental health issues can strike any person, at any time, for any reason. What they did yesterday, last week, or 5 years ago has no bearing on their mental health in this moment.


Liquid is also Limit, and only has 3 WF under their belt, whats your point? Also Echo broke off of Method because of what happened with them and Sco. Also you used Undeniably that means it must be true!

PBHTTT… :laughing: :man_facepalming:

What? :joy:

Its Quit. Sorry my mistake for judging your gender… Quit…

Thank humanbeak I kind of didn’t realize this was a troll but damn it’s pretty depressing though cause I honestly believed they were just ignorant

Your double standards amuse me.

Your double standards amuse me even more!

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You aren’t alone. I didn’t expect troll at first either.

We probably should have, it IS Sunday.

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Don’t use words if you don’t understand their meaning.

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Well it’s my birthday they attacked me and I’m rightfully miffed about that and this was posted on Saturday mods put it back up and thankfully so because now I exposed them for what they truly are

That Echo was better prepared for this. They really are concerned about the mental health condition of their raiders.

Liquid should have known better, as per your own arguments, that this RWF could take a toll on their raiders.

Calling a burn out in the second before you lose the race is just… suspicious.

It has nothing to do with the thread.

Happy Birthday!

edit: Yay the formatting is fixed.