Mean world first is world first. If the mage “lets mod our ui so it doesn’t look like we exploit” doesn’t count as cheating.Is fine im gonna assume this is too.
lmaaaoooooo i loveee itttt
Would you also say lich king WF was a real WF despite a very clearly unintended bug being used(and intentionally exploited) to keep platforms up? If exploits were used, its not a world first. Its cheaters ruining everything.
Back then no, with what I saw in DF 100% yes retroactively.
It was patched out before it was even actually used on a kill. That’s how ineffective it was.
Through skill, precision, and execution…
Or at least that’s the lie that gets conjured up with RWF.
That’s strange, it is cool to see people play the game at the highest level I think it’s awesome personally.
It’s already been removed from the Hall of Fame so the kill doesn’t exist anymore, their guild doesn’t exist on the armory anymore either
They got removed from Raider IO too, they don’t exist anymore anywhere lol
If guilds can get loaned millions of gold, play 15 different characters many of which get carried for best itemization possible, monetize the game itself through the RWF and that counts as a valid kill. I say this should count as a kill as well.
They’d go bankrupt by the end of the week at this point LMAO
Why pay for bug bounties when they can’t bother paying a full QA cycle.
The deadly seven got world first. Its just the world second race now.
Exploit or not, did they find a secret mythic phase? :o
Based off the names I guessing Rextroy and his band of friends.
pve is so easy people beat the hardest content in one day
That was quick.
Looks more likely they named themselves after him to flame him
It’s a well known exploit group. Someone posted this on Reddit about them:
For everyone that doesn’t know, RAoV is a long time hacking / exploiting group mainly focusing on WoW. They’ve been around since as long as I can remember and have been around well before I got into the exploiting scene myself. Many dupes, game crashes, major game breaking exploits have been found and performed by them. Some members have even received Cease & Desist letters from Blizzard.
(post deleted by author)
History shall forever remember you champions.
We immediately began an investigation into these unusual kills, and we detected a group of new accounts using an exploit to cast an internal spell to kill Mythic raid bosses, including Chrome King Gallywix.
Our security engineers quickly moved to put a stop to the cheat and take action against the accounts involved, and we have cleared the Hall of Fame to await the rightful winner of the RWF.
Thank you to everyone who reported this. We will continue to employ the utmost vigilance about fair play in World of Warcraft.