A new era for Ruthless has begun. What was once a top OCE guild that has come and gone over the various expansions has come back as ruthless as ever but this time on a much more relaxed and flexible raid schedule.
Raid times will be ONCE weekly. Usually this will be a Sunday @ 7PM ST until about 10PM Any deviations from this will be communicated via discord. Raids will be done via signups with priority given to those in the Ruthless community group and who have signed up to the event.
The aim for Ruthless in its current iteration will be to push as far into mythic whilst maintaining a ONCE weekly schedule. This will be done slowly when it is the right time (pending gear and raid buffs etc) to minimise progression time and burnout.
Reminder, Ruthless Reborn is not a raiding guild just a Raiding community utalising the new ingame community feature. So you can stay in whatever guild you want.
Our expectations for each raider is quite simple. Come prepared to raid and if you sign up then show up.
As we are continually developing our roster we have quite a few spots available for all roles especially for 1-2 heals and a few strong dps.
If this sounds like something you would be interested in add me on Btag @ aussiegears#1190