Rusty diapers

It will probly be a caster.

Its more the way the limbs and torso seem to clash with each other, aswell as knowing any mog i make will need to work with those limbs.

Gnomes already can have issues with how some gear mogs, chest details get lost or skewed badly due to the gnomes size… Pants… Or diapers will have a similar issue.

I just feel its going to be difficukt to make a unique looking character mog. I feel mechagnomes will either all be wearing heritage armor, which will mean they’ll likely all use the same metal parts colors, or be mogged to look like an eyesore.

I feel blizzard took a lazy approach in regards to how they handled the limbs and mog.

Why couldnt i have shorts or a shirt over my metal bits?

Why cant i choose how much mechanised i am, just hands… Or only my left leg.

Why cant i go full robot, like the WotLK ones players have wanted.


Eh, no different from having to work with skin color and other stuff on other races.

I feel like that kind of defeats the purpose. What you describe isn’t really a mechagnome, it’s just a gnome who lost a limb and got a prosthetic.

You already mentioned this but the heritage armor does look like it’s there for that “full mechanization” look for those who want it.

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Toggle pants for transmog should be a mechagnome exclusive. Only it should toggle the pant legs on and off, not the whole pants.

i feel theres a difference, no other races have such a clash between limbs and torso, the forced cut off to chest armor only highlight it.

isn’t that essentially what these gnomes are?.. they’re not gnomes who avoided the curse of flesh, they’re gnomes who are replacing their flesh bits with machines.

i do agree, but last i looked the heritage armor only works with one of the 3 color options for mech parts, so if you want a consistant mecha gnome look you pretty much have to be a certain color, i’m hoping this changes

my main gripe though is… i can have robo parts AND wear clothes… the two don’t need to be mutually exclusive

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While I like the fact we finally got something steampunky’ and cyborgcy I’m starting to see myself not playing one, not because of what people here or in other places say, I don’t care what people think about the races I play but because they are literally the hardest race to get a mog for. You either wear a tabard at all times or you wear someting that hides your legs and the fact you look like a bean with toothpick legs.

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Mechagnomes are the first AR I’ve honestly considered never bothering with, and I love making alts to earn heritage armors.

The transmog restriction is just…whyyyyyyyyy…

Eh perhaps. Other races do have to work around certain features (undead with their bones, trolls/tauren/draenei with their exposed feet/tails).
If the limbs on mechagnomes do bother you though the regular gnome is still available.

They’re gnomes with a different mindset who strive to replace as much of themselves as possible with machinery. Every mechagnome has a set level of mechanization and the options give a bunch more if you choose.

I can agree there, that’d be a good change. If they can give Mag’har three different colors of their heritage, they can do it for Mechagnomes.

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Man, I wanted a rusty set to match my rusty spider and flyer.


Who wouldn’t play as a literal walking profession workbench? :smiley: :robot:


For sure a missed opportunity for weapon arm mods a la Bladefist. As in: your equipped weapon is an arm attachment. Ok, maybe only 1h weapons, guns, and crossbows🤔


I just wonder about the hateful venom in some of these posts, like they didn’t get a certain horde model.



Something like what they did with vulpes to Horde?
It would be a lot of effort on something that is planned for the alliance.

It could cost a raid tier, do something with real relevance and value to Ally.
Just add some “abusive” racials and some people would even play with stones.

Yes. Because cyborgs > anime.


I made this, in the wowhead model thing (wearing the Eternal Traveler mog set I have equipped now, except the helm), with a mechagnome option to have these goggle things/chinstrap on the face (which matches the Eternal Traveler’s mog pretty well!)

so yes. I think it looks pretty cool, while not overly mech since the mech arms and legs are mostly covered. Only thing I’d like would be a pink hair selection =/
I like that Eternal Traveler’s mog more than their Heritage armor.

I obviously like gnomes in the first place, though.


I also miss the pink and green hair colors.

there might be some oil slick problems i think…

I’m actually super-disappointed by the rusty diaper gnomes. Super. Disappointed.

Hear me out on this one. I’m a gnome-lover. Honest.

Why are rusty gnomes bad?

Options for transmog on the new gnomes are extremely limited. You get a torso, a diaper…err… “legs”, a head, shoulder, and back. The limbs are not capable of transmog. The only option is to where a robe, skirt, dress to cover the legs.

The actual customizations are great for the head. The limbs, on their own, look pretty good as well. There was a HUGE missed opportunity on the limbs though. Having the option to have fleshy limbs, one fleshy and one robo, or both robo would have sealed the deal here. As it stands, it’s just feels like incredibly low quality that the transmog is left off. Give us the option to transmog the robot parts away and I’ll change my mind. In my mind this is the only way that I could be convinced to play them.

For those of you that like them, great man - have at it. I’m just disappointed the effort put into them feels so underwhelming.


im a huge terminator fan; just love the lore and extended universe and all that. a chance to play some sort of cyborg/cybernetic organism than im all for in my book. plus too, im just an all around alliance cat. through thick and thin.


I came back to the game only cause of the Mechagnomes. Im a sucker for steampunk. Half machine, half amazing. Youre an orc? Thats cool bro, let others be what they want. Dont judge. Youre not perfect.

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