Running Wild Mount Equipment?

Can we please get it? It works exactly like a normal mount anyway. It kinda sucks that Worgen are singled out as the only race that can’t upgrade their racial “mount.”


No, of course not.

Now let’s wait patiently for the new models to come out. Then we can wait another 4 years for mount equipment to effect running wild.


All Druids say “hi”. It isn’t a matter of racial, it’s just mounts as a whole.

Travel form isnt a mount. Note the lack of a cast time.

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The Druid forms I totally get because they are instant cast and break root effects. Running Wild is literally no different than other mounts.


I think mount equipment should apply to all mounts no matter what. Worgen, Druid, the herbing bot mount, all of them. What is the big deal? Some classes get two equipment slots basically due to having a water walking spell. So???

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Save a horse, ride a worgen?

Oh myyyy waggles eyebrows


Druids have an aquatic form hehe :whale2:

I can understand why mount equipment doesn’t affect my travel form ability. That is doesn’t affect Running Wild seems like an oversight that needs to be corrected.

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Worgens racial mounts are horses that you can use the new equipment on. So your statement that Worgen are singled out as the only race that can’t upgrade their racial “mount.” is false. As a matter a fact they are lucky to still have the running wild ability at all since the developers took a similer ability away from the Tauren as soon as they got rideable mounts.

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I should use the wording of Gilnean instead of worgen though, but whatever.

druids would like to have a word with you

Did they break it or something? I equipped my water-striding thing in my mount slot soon after the patch dropped and was able to “run wild” on water on my Worgen…

Really? I read in multiple places that we wouldn’t be getting it. I should have checked it out for myself I guess.

I would only agree to this if the equipment is visible, like you have to wear big styrofoam shoes and floaties

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You have to wait for the Allied Race Gilworgen. They are Worgen that have mutated into aquatic creatures that can run on water.

i would make my rafts out of pool noodles

Again, Druid forms are vastly different than Running Wild, which is really just a regular mount.

Y’know, there are more equipments than just water walking.

Other mount equipment is merely an illusion.