Running out of mana as Fire is extremely unfun

It’s already very common to go OOM in keys if not consistently drinking between pulls, or in raid with heavy add uptime. This is being made significantly worse with the upcoming patch (increased reliance on flamestrike (62.5k) instead of pyro (50k), increased reliance on hyperthermia with duration increased and compensatory other nerfs).

This is frankly extremely unfun gameplay. Using utility spells is rightfully already a DPS loss, but made significantly worse due to mana - shimmer is off-gcd 50k, alter off-gcd 25k, mass barrier 300k, cone of cold 100k - are now potentially reflective of multiple GCDs of damage loss. Arcane does not have this lack of fun issue since they have plenty of tools to interact with their mana (dump charges with barrage, resume blastin’). As fire, you literally have nothing to do - there’s no low cost filler spell (scorch still 25k) that’s worth it. This also makes “sims” extremely biased, as they do not do any of these extraneous actions, although it should be noted AOE sims still go OOM in 3 mins.

I’m not addressing the power level of fire here. Just, the gameplay pressures that mana is currently applying to fire, and will apply harder in 11.0.5, is very unfun, and I hope the team addresses it.

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Ive only ever ran out of mana as a fire mage when i was spamming spellsteal. I am not even sure what you’d have to do to do run out of mana playing fire normally. Are you spamming arcane explosion or something?

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Crazy how fast you oom with spellsteal

It’s entirely possible to run out of mana when playing Flamestrike if you have good RNG. Flamestrike and Combustion cost a lot of mana.

they probably just need to boost the mana regen or something. Seems weird for this to happen for fire.

That and/or axe the mana costs. I vaguely remember people on the Altered Time Discord saying that Mage mana regen used to be hasted but it isn’t anymore, although I might be wrong about that.

While 2.5% per Flamestrike doesn’t look like much, considering we now cast a lot more Flamestrike than previously, it drains mana quite fast. Fire Blast is 1%, Pyroblast is 2%, Combustion 10% and Spellsteal 21% in case people were curious.