Running of the Gnomes - What is the date for 2023?

Can anyone tell me the date for Running of the Gnomes in 2023? I’d like to get it up on my discord calendar for my guild! Thanks :slight_smile:

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October 14th is the date. I don’t know what server its on though. Would you happen to know?


i believe its the opposite one from where running of the trolls was?

Its on Scarlet Crusade


Do you know what time it will be?

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i googled it and the past times were i believe 7pm EST / 4pm PST but idk if itll stay the same? anyone else know?

Our guild has run this every year. I went looking for date and times for this year’s race (2023) and found conflicting information. Wowhead says it starts at midnight and Reddit says 7pm, quite a big difference. Is there a character or entity to contact to confirm correct details?

i believe the correct time is on the fb group called “warcraft cares” or by contacting Dravvie herself but no clue how to get into contact with her!

warcraft cares

Hey so sorry! I don’t stress out so much about confirming the date because Blizzard puts the date on the calender and I sort of work around them! (The Pink Gnome on the Calendar) I guess other people don’t think about that! I got a little lazy as a result the last two years. That’s my fault! I need to be more on top of it!

People can always poke me on Discord/Warcraft Cares on Twitter/Bluesky/Instagram/etc

If you want to get into contact with me, I run Warcraft Cares on Twitter/Instagram/Discord/Bluesky

Or you can google me and I’m on all social media platforms. I took a break in early August due to the death of my service animal and post tournament of ages, limited my contact with others thus why people couldn’t easily google me.

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I’ll reach out to WoWhead like I do every year. The Microholiday starts at Midnight server time, but the charity event leaves Scarlet Crusade’s starting zone at 7pm EST/4pm PST! <3

Editing this with a link to the info post :heartpulse: