Running of the Gnomes 14th year

Time for Moused to brother you all again to make a Pink Haired Gnome and get ready for the Running of the Gnomes this year… The Running of the Gnomes is back for its 14th year on October 14th 2023! The run leaves at 4pm PST/7pm EST on the Scarlet Crusade realm.

You also get to enjoy the in game holiday the Great Gnomergan Race, that was based on the Gnome Run, and complete your trading post objectives together with the community on Scarlet Crusade-US!

All by running from the Gnome Run Starting Zone to Booty Bay! (And then head to Orgimmar to give hugs, licks and kisses to the leader of the Horde)


I’ll be participating :smiley: I’m in thier discord already from the running of the trolls event.


I’ll be there again for the gnome run. Also, Moused, can you please update this when there’s any news on a classic run, since I know no one’s said in disc yet, and I’m liable to forget to check?


The planets are aligning. :ringer_planet:


I would think it maybe the 21st of October…I’ll check and get back and post again…

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Does Mechagnomes count?

Sadface. I’m out of town so I’ll miss it this year. :slightly_frowning_face:

Sorry to say Mechagnomes don’t have pink hair and they start in a whole other zone too…you would have to get leveled up enough to leave the Mech start area and get too Gnome one…as the race starts at the Gnome start area.

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How many Gnomes die crossing the whirlpool chasm in Stranglethorn each year? Does that wipe out most of the runners?

LOL we do have a few that fall off the cliff but most make it past there…


I’m just imagining a host of gnomes flopping over the cliff like lemmings and it’s cracking me up lol

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Well Dremin come join us next Sat and you can see how many to flop of the cliff …just make a pink hair gnome and join the fun…

If I’m home, I just might. Would be a chance to wear the heritage armor that goes unused since I switched my Gnome to Mechagnome.

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I’ll participate.

I won’t be a pink haired Gnome though. I have standards.

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How about pink beard? :rofl:

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…Maybe. I’ll consider it.


The pink hair is important! I’m making a reddit and forum thread right now! You’ll wanna be part of the crowd!

I’m just imagining a host of gnomes flopping over the cliff like lemmings and it’s cracking me up lol

The first year the Cata changes went in a lot of people went over the edge. Not so much anymore. My fav story, which many people hear about in podcasts/etc is that when we launched the run in Wrath we got wiped out by the Bloodsail pirates outside of Booty Bay.

yeah the best part is that everyone can use lots of cool toys/transmogs etc now!

The guilds have cute tabards/we pass out pink shirts but everyone is now able to go wild with customizing their gnomes! The starting zone looks like a beautiful pink disco to me every year.


I set a reminder, and I’ll try to be there for such a worthy event. Having fun is just a bonus.:slightly_smiling_face:


Its the best fun you can have in this game while helping others…