Runes for Retribution Paladin

People are already full of piss & vinegar over Avenger’s Shield being usable on a 30 sec CD - after swapping from a 2h to a shield - to slow up to three targets. A 14yd cleave(even just a 5yd cleave) that would give a 50% slow would have people be feral.

If it’s just damage, people would probably be more or less fine with it. The Demon & Undead stun would probably go completely under the radar of the anger of players, until Meta warlocks realized that paladins currently hitting them with Exorcism don’t actually have to have the Exorcist rune equipped to do so.

I generally would prefer stuff not to just be ripped wholesale from future expansions for SoD. I know this is what most runes are, and likely what most are going to be, but I’d prefer some originality. I had a thought earlier, so I’ll quote myself from another one of my posts earlier:

Sheath of Light would be a much, MUCH easier and quicker way to improve ret’s damage, though it’s not anywhere near as beneficial for prot paladins. The idea I had may be more beneficial for prot paladins, though I don’t know how it would compare to something like the WotLK talent Touched by the Light. (I’m not sure what strength would be like for a paladin tank in SoD at 60, nor how 60% of it being given as spell damage would fare.)

That having been said, this thread is about ret paladins, not prot paladins; maybe people posting in this thread wouldn’t care as much.
(EDIT: This was poorly worded. I didn’t mean to suggest people posting in this thread have disdain for prot paladins. Rather some people are interested in playing explicitly retribution paladins, and a thread that is titled “Runes for Retribution Paladin” may not get the best discussion on how a rune may affect prot paladins.)

I’d rather they address rolling Deep Wounds than adding a DoT to everyone else. That having been said, kind of weird to have Crusader Strike and Divine Storm - two rune abilities - trigger this, but no Seals, especially when Seal of Command - the primary seal for ret paladins - has a chance to proc in Classic, whereas in Wrath it’s a 100% chance when you have it up. Again, I know the OP copy & pasted the text from Wrath, but I can’t really help but think past the surface, to my own chagrin at times.