Lots of users have been reporting that they have been stuck at 2 runed crests despite running content that should have (allegedly) awarded RUNED crests.

I was one of those users, stuck at 2 crests total without doing heroic raids.

Today I logged in and was retroactively given RUNED crests that I assume is from fixing this bug.

PSA to anyone else to go check.


Yep. One of my guildies had the same happen.

Told the guy in another thread who flipped out at everyone that it was a bug…

Same, I was stuck at 2 until I logged it today and was rewarded with 20 runed crests

i got 0 when i logged on

They seem to be dropping now; 2 per delve. Confirmed on both a Bountiful and a regular T8.

However, I haven’t received any retroactively.

I was capped at 2 until today. Got 4 more from those 2 delves.

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that would be me whos stuck with 2 as well

Yep logged in and received 74 of them. Didn’t expect to be getting a 619 weapon today but I’ll take it.


Dang. I wonder if they’re doing it in chunks? I definitely haven’t gotten any retroactively yet, and I’ve done 120 delves, 25 Bountiful keys.

Did you try relogging? Didn’t happen till I did.

Yep, tried relogging, tried relaunching, nadda.

Had 2 before today, got 4 more testing a T8 and T8 Bountiful (2 each), now I have 6.

Have you done any t8+ delves

I definitely have done both. No Crests on login.

125 delves, 25+ Bountiful Keys, solo’d Zekvir on ?.

This is odd, I have done many T8s on two characters. I was given 20 retroactively on one of them but the other still has two. Both characters have the 3 vault slots up to T8 (616 ilvl) rewards so I know I should have more than 2 on the 2nd character.

Are you capped for the week? If youre at 90/90 you wont get any

I am at 6/90. I haven’t done other content.

Hopefully you get them sooner rather than later

I hope so too. Kind of a major bummer.

just swapped to my main and got 18 for a total of 20 so i’m sure you will get yours soon

Cheers for the good news. Glad you got yours!

Edit: that sounded sarcastic, it wasn’t. It gave me hope, lol.


Let it be known that I also best T11 and soloed ? zekvir
Unsure if the amount I received is related to these accomplishments or doing t8 delves.