Runecloth Bandage Crafting Time

For the purposes of the World Buff consumable items, if consolidated onto a single person for the guild, it costs 600 bandages for one full round of world buffs (i am excluding firewater cauldrons here, as buying them separately is currently less expensive than crafting a cauldron, even if the entire raid were melee).

Those 600 bandages each take a 3 second crafting time to convert from runecloth.

This is 30 minutes of crafting queue time per round of world buffs.

Spread out, it’s a total non-issue, but it becomes a significant burden when consolidated into one person for a guild that uses 3-4 rounds of world buffs per week.

I’m not really sure what I’m asking for here, specifically. For the quest guys to accept raw runecloth/thorium in addition to bars/bandages maybe? For the crafting times to be reduced from 3s per to 1s per? For a far more expensive but non-consumable version of the buff items with a 30-120 min cd to be added (1000 commendations each maybe?) For any large crafting queue to have a max timer that completes howevermany in a max of 15-30 mins? I think there’s multiple totally acceptable solves here, I just think the status quo isn’t great if I’m trying to make things as easy as possible for my dad guild raiders.

To be clear here, the status quo isn’t terrible. I log in the toon everyone is sending their cloth to once or twice a day and run a 45-60 min queue during a work call, or I log it in at the end of the day and let it run and just time me out when I’m going to bed.

It’s handily navigable – but I still think it’s a valid annoyance that could be solved without all that much dev effort.


You’re right, it’s a non-issue.

Handle it, Wow classic is all about prep.

Um… I thought the Rep Boons were to protect against ‘wipes’. Not replace “globe-trotting” for World Buffs.

Though, realistically, Blizzard should make them boon’able.

I’ll also take this time to remind everyone YOU are responsible for all of this. World Buffs were never meant to be ‘the meta’ for raiding. Sleep in the bed you made.


…so don’t consolidate it onto one person. Classic is a social game, not a solo game.

First Aid is not difficult to level up.

I love logging into wow and crafting bandages!
It really is better than raiding or pvp or anything else for that matter, dont you love the buzz you get when you see that bar approach the end and then boop it starts over again?
And again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again

15$ well spent each month


You don’t need world buffs. If you really feel you need them, go change your poop sock while you craft them.


Sorry bro, but they balanced the whole game around WBs (stupid af) soo youre out of luck

They could add a Chirugeon’s Hat that speeds up bandage crafting, like the chef’s hat in wrath that let you cook faster.

I’d be glad to take on a role of bandage maker for your raid for a small in game trade for my time. On another character of course

Most guilds have 20+ raiders, sounds like a guild leadership issue tbh - spread the load and problem solved without any dev effort at all.

Just buy the made bandages off the AH at a premium.

You arent paying for the product, your paying for the convenience.

You don’t even raid. You don’t need any of the loot you are wearing. If you do then you’re just bad.

And you would probably be 60 by now if you stayed off the forums, talking about activities you are unable to participate in.

Yes I would be a level 60 blood elf in sod. Huge iq take

Be happy that you can get world buffs from runecloth bandages.