Runecloth Bag Recipe Bots Camping Vendor

Can we change this vendors recipes to either be BOP or always have this item in stock?

Currently there are over 50+ bots farming the NPC in Winterspring, who are using Scripts on bot accounts to buy said recipe. The AH is flooded with the recipe at an outrageous price as no one else can get their hands on them.


supply will eventually force price to drop. and only one recipe can produce infinitely many bags.

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I was the only person at Qia for almost half an hour yesterday.

Mega-server life must be rough.

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Thank God for completionists.

in EVE Online, you can make copies of blueprints, but the copies only have a few charges, whereas the originals can make infinitely many items and copies.

buying copies is usually the pro gamer move unless you REALLY plan to make those items.

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God, can you imagine the crying if WoW PvP were like EVE PvP?

so you mean go to the hardcore server, turn the pvp realm status ON, and delete the forum? :slight_smile:

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I camped Qia alone for over 2 hours tonight and the Runecloth Bag pattern never spawned. What a ridiculous waste of time. They should’ve fixed this with SOD.

Camp the auction house and buy a runecloth bag.

not if you camp the recipes with the intent to destroy them to eliminate competition. could prevent the price fall for months if youre using bots.

God could you imagine EVE if I was smart enough to play it?

it’s just like wow. you follow the instructions of the guy yelling the loudest and then he yells at you some more that you did it wrong.

now take that 2 hours of sitting at the vendor trying to get lucky with the receipe spawn (which is 8 to 12 minutes random) so you basically didnt get lucky at least 8 times during that 2 hours of trying to buy it, and spend that doing incursions.

You could have enough gold in that 2 hours to not only buy the over priced receipe from the AH but some nice rep too = win

a wise one said in WoW - time is money friend!

On Wild Growth Qia never has less than 4 people camping right on top of her. Impossible to get this recipe. Price has not dropped under 100g on AH since P3 Started. This needs to be fixed.

I checked on it over the weekend a few times on Wild Growth and everytime it’s packed. I have it setup with a macro to where all I do is press 1 then 2 on my numpad over and over again with 1 opening the vendor and two trying to buy what is in the last slot of the vendor then closing the menu. Depending on how much I’m paying attention I can initiate a buy attempt on that slot about every 3 or 4 seconds. Did this for two different hour and a half long sessions on Saturday and did not manage to buy anything from the last slot.

After my first attempt I came back a good 14-15 hours later pretty late into the night around 3-4am and there was at least 2 or 3 of the exact same people from earlier still there. Multiple level 1 or otherwise very low level characters who have no business in Winterspring in any way.

Blizzard has stated that cataclysm is going to be free of bots. Deathwing will cleanse our souls of RMT and leave a trail of scorched bots in its wake.

They’re saying the same thing about you.

Report them all.

We’ll here we are 2 months later. Runecloth bag recipe on the NPC Qia still camped by the Auto-Bots. Granted its down to 22g on AH now but it seems to be the principle of it, and me refusing to give in. Lets hope the new 18 slot Tailor bag in P4 will be better attainable.

2 months later

Did you really feel it was necessary to necro an old thread?