Rumors of Legion Remix?

I enjoyed legendary items and the legion ap grind, they took it too far with bfa

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I’m also a grumpy addict. A lot of people have nostalgia glasses for what legion did right, and I don’t blame them. I’ve been wearing those glasses for Cata since MoP was announced xD.

When I really think about it though, how would they handle a remix for one of the AP grind xpacs? Would they make is do that again? Just not include it? Would be interesting to see.

You enjoyed praying to RNGsus every time you got a legendary that it was your BiS? You enjoyed being locked into Frost spec because you didn’t grind out all the stuff for blood yet?

You do you I guess my man :wink:


Weapon would be the infinitely scaling thing, gems would be legendary items or something

I didn’t enjoy the acquisition, but I did enjoy the items

If they do legion classic they should have a vendor from the start

Or its a remix of Warlords of Draenor:

The symbol is from the Lords of War video.

Which would be fitting if Blizzard wants people to get excited about player housing.


B-but #nochanges!

(Sorry not trying to bully you, that was just left wide open xD)

Why do you feel this way? Was there not much in terms of rewards and such?

I thought, and wished, the rune had something to do with Ogres since it is similar to the mark on their arms but I read on Icyveins that it is similar to a WoD arena mark so I’d go WoD remix.

EDIT: When I say I wished it had something to do with Ogres I meant making them playable for the Horde which will probably never happen or I’ll die or the game shuts down before than. :sob:

No changes is long dead lol

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if we get a wod remix dont expect the wartable to be a gold printing machine lol

So…WoD remix, which would be in chronological order after MoP. If this is even alluding to a new Remix at all. Last I heard, it was only confirmed that MoP Remix would return eventually, no word on there being a completely new iteration.

Only thing really decent from wod for mounts were 2 raid mounts, rest were boring pigs and wolves

And the only real interesting gear from wod was items they won’t bring back

Plus gameplay wise, wod is pretty bare

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Ok so WoD remix would be cool. But what would make it cooler:

Restored content

Imagine how people would lose their minds if they brought back the original 11.2 plan with the ogre island.

For this or #somechanges classic

I disagree. The mythic raid items in WoD were some of the best ever made.

I feel like the only way classic wod succeeds is to bring back the cut content

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Sounds like a Season of Discovery sort of thing, if the SoD format ever leaves vanilla.

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There were Challenge Mode weapons and heirloom trinkets, and virtually nobody acquired these things, so there absolutely are rewards people could get on board with.

If its Kargath then id say it leans more towords Warlords of Draenor

They are not going to give the cmode rewards

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Heh heh, Are they gonna disable flght again and give us classic pathfinding?


Or actually setting up Karabor and the ogre city in frostfire as faction hubs. A Shattrath raid? Would be bonkers