Rumors in the City of Threads not working

I’ve picked up two different rumors just now and neither of them provided me with any bonus objective icons, or any direction at all.

The second was to repair a shadecaster, but I can’t remember what the first one was.

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/agree - seems way too obscure and not easy to complete. I can find their occasional icon (looks like a purple bug) on my minimap), but only know what it is when I mouse over it. Cannot locate them them on the main map. Tried flying around while staring at the minimap - ugh.

They’ve usually got an orange or purple outline or something, Aroz. Could probably stand to be more visible, too. You’re usually looking for the same three or four characters, too–Thimble, the other weaverat Ruh’mor, and a sage named Gho’sup.

I’m talking about the objectives themselves being invisible or not spawning, when they didn’t have this issue before tuesday.

Same, one said “rumor accepted” and then nothing to do/accomplish.